MALACHI MARTIN - I believe that Bayside is a true apparition

8 months ago

Fr. Malachi Martin, Who Read the REAL Third Secret, Believed Our Lady of the Roses Was a True Apparition
Mario Aguero, a friend of the late Fr. Malachi Martin, had lunch with Father in a Manhattan restaurant in the summer of 1998, less than a year before he died, when the topic of Marian apparitions came up. Mario asked Fr. Malachi Martin his opinion on the Bayside apparitions. Although he expressed to Mario his disbelief with other major and more popular alleged apparitions, this Vatican insider and advisor to three Popes stated, “I believe that Bayside is a true apparition. For many years I did not believe that Bayside was legitimate but certain circumstances now have led me to believe that in fact it is a true apparition.”

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