Economic Armogadon

9 months ago

The Petro Dollar was Nuked, the Dollar is not welcome in Russia, and nations are fleeing to BRICS, but did you hear what Trump said?
This video is not fun. We are well into the stages of WWIII; we are at the end of the beginning, and because bombs have not yet fallen on America, the American public, for the most part, is unaware of the precarious condition that presently exists. My audience will be better aware than most. Even though there are many doing an excellent job of spreading the word, that effort is against a sea of media propaganda that is beating the drum for war and distorting everything in that effort. They are laughing at the Russian's statements in the face of Western aggression and the deployment of Western Missiles capable of striking deep inside Russia. Some shorter versions have already been used, and except for one incident, they have been used in terrorist attacks on civilians and not military targets. The US, for the first time in many years, is flying submarine-hunting planes off the East Coast and the Gulf. Several major moves have been made in the economic aspects of this war, and those moves are tectonic in nature.
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