Millions of animals upgraded to human gene bodies among us & millions abducted for cyborg industry

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*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Nephilim giants in underground bases & Hollow Earth cities and fallen angels in Illuminati cities on many planets are upgrading millions of animals to human DNA bodies to live amongst us and to replace humans, and millions of humans are being abducted and hung on meat hooks to be sold as Borg cyborg soldiers to thousands of fake alien species, and millions of children are being abducted for human meat food & child sex slaves & bioweapon experiment test subjects and DNA organ harvesting products, but the “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender” fake Christian scumbags are giving permission to all these things and tens of thousands of other things we real Christians shared to them by their silence, because of their fear of assassination attempts by their church member witch assassins and ridicule from church donators and getting cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & every hotel room. This is why these fake Christians and these Nicolaitan clergy class laity class Satanist pagan religious system’s “ordained & allowed & trained & non-assassination-attempts-receiving” fake unbiblical job position pastors watch their fellow church donators eat their own 12 million kidnapped children’s leftover human meat & bone ashes in their church member witch assassins’ church food. The blood of 6 billion people and their church donators will be on their hands. Silence is condoning evil and giving permission to Satan Lucifer. They need human authority to do what they are doing. Even worse, these fake Christians have the audacity to bring greater judgment upon themselves by insulting God by trying to appease both Satan Lucifer & God by modifying & diluting & sterilizing & picking & choosing & editing the tens of thousands of truths we real Christians shared to them in our daily sermons for decades, in order to make it safe for themselves from assassination attempts and ridicule from church donators, so that they can sabotage God’s truths and destroy our real Christians’ ministries and cover-up Satan Lucifer and mislead millions of people to hell & false realities & false understandings & false complacencies & false political/social solutions. The worst sly conniving fake Christians are those who pretend that they do not have the Holy Spirit's discernment of the truth, in order to use that as an excuse to remain silent to condone all the evils. They are also the tens of thousands of fake Christians and every single pastor, who betrayed us real Christians and threw us out to the Illuminati wolves and abandoned us to fight alone by myself against the millions of assassins & world elites & their militaries & their governments & their space fleets & Draco Empire & fallen angels & Satan Lucifer, in order to protect them and their families and the human specie and humanoids and allies and the earth and the women & children. We real Christians and God’s Holy Spirit in us is stopping them from exterminating the human specie, so that is why they are trying to kill us every day and trying to starve us off and killing our heathen families. When they attack us, they get destroyed instead, just as the Word of God says. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church in anger & terror & disgust, so that God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a crazy lunatic who has lost all common sense of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sins, and he rose again, and he is seated on his throne in heaven reigning, so that whoever repents and receives him as Savior & Lord will receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life.

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