061324 Word From God -DROP YOUR WALLS - ROXANNE

20 days ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Dear friends, this is a very hard word. Remember, offense means more heart cleansing needed. The scriptures below are all using the Good news translation. It makes the message clearer for the new followers of Jesus. These are the scriptures which came with the word.

Daughter I have a word for you today.

My Kingdom comes quickly, yet mankind goes on with marriages, giving in marriage, parties, gatherings and recreation, (Even with the constraints I have allowed the enemy to take). When will he learn? Do you think I can excuse your behavior when I obliterated sodom and Gomorrah? What do you think I will do for you oh wicked ones? Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand! Do not allow the devil to destroy you. I gave each man a calling in his heart of flesh. I love my creation, but, I cannot make you choose me. I cannot, that would go against my word, the very laws I created.

Come to me, no sin is too great for me. I am the cleanser of the soul. You must not make this a one time thing and think you can walk away from me and spend eternity with me. Do not be the wicked servant who thinks he can sin to the very last moment, slide into home base and make it through. I rebuke you!!!

Read my word, seek me with all your heart. Don’t you know I see your hearts, your motives and your thought life?

Evil is not allowed in my Kingdom. I am the God of love, but, I am also the God of discipline.

Drop your walls. Stop with your prideful ways, let the tears flow, allow me to cleanse deep inside your souls. I am the great I am! I can do anything for those I love. Pray always for my will and watch my perfect plan just for you come to pass.

This is not a group message. This is a personal message to you. Soften your hearts right now. Allow me to wash over you. Except my salvation and peace in this day of madness. I will give your weary hearts the rest you desire. But, you must come to me. 1 on 1, no preacher, no friend, no family. Just you and me- Talk to me, wait for me to speak to your heart and mind.

Do you believe in me? My Virgin conception and birth, my death and resurrection, my life of ministry, do you believe I gave all for you? Then why don’t you believe me now? Why don’t you trust me?

Do you trust the air you breathe? I created the air. How about hopping in your car to drive 45 minutes away from your home. Do you believe and trust your car will take you back home?


THINK!!! Blind faith in all but me and my business….. I rebuke you!!! Repent!!!
(I really sensed his hurt, anger and frustration because time is very very short folks. Please understand, his word MUST be fulfilled).

Come now while you have this moment. For the next one is not promised to you. There will be zero excuses children, ZERO!!!

I wish for you to see how ridiculous this charade is. You trust the wicked one, (BLINDLY),but not me? He is deceiving many. He will have great company in hell.

I urge you to heed my words now. Heed my scriptures now. Heed my warnings now, because they will soon cease.

What are you waiting for child? There is no fear in me, unless you do not belong to me. No one wants to fall into the hands of an angry God, my wrath or my judgments. Especially after you witness my next judgment. It will be great destruction, but, it will bring great repentance. Many will find themselves in h*** with Satans and angels because they rejected my son, Jesus. They didn’t have time, they had some important earthly business to attend to. They did not want to give up their pet sins. Woe woe woe to the souls who refuse the gracious sacrifice of my son.

Woe woe woe to the great kings of the Earth for touching my land. You provoke and tempt the mighty God and his timing. Your judgments will be the harshest.

Come all who are heavy Laden, I will give you rest. Peace to you my holy ones, I hear your thoughts, yes none of you feel holy, but, you are cleansed and you live righteous and holy to the best of your ability before me. I love you my children. Finish strong to the end my children. It will be your best life long decision. If you want more from me, ask. Visions, messages, mysteries-ASK!!!
I reveal many things to my children.

I wish you to walk upright, boldly before a wicked generation because you are not them. I will pour out my spirit upon you. A golden vial of spiritual anointing. My children you will be and feel empowered in situations which which seem hopeless. Remember and reflect on who you are. Keep those special scriptures handy for times a trial. My children, millions will die in one swoop of my judgment. You must be spiritually ready to handle these things for it is written. This is why I implore all of you to pray for the lost, the backsliders and yourselves. It works!!! I hear them and move mountains because of them. Do not give up or think they do not work. This is the enemy trying to destroy your faith. Trust me children trust me.

Love Yeshua, Jesus, Master, Savior

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