Ep. 35 - "I Opened A Door That I Cant Close" Psychedelics Are A Gateway To An Evil Spiritual Dimension

8 months ago

Check out Trey's ministry JESUS WAX:
Website: jesus-wax-inc.square.site
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In this conversation, Trey shares his experiences with #psychedelics and how they led him to find #Jesus. He describes his encounters with telepathic communication, vibrant colors, and a sense of being in a higher dimension. Trey also discusses the allure and dangers of psychedelics, emphasizing the importance of being protected by Jesus when engaging with the #spiritual realm. The conversation touches on topics such as the #devil masquerading as an #angel of light, the beauty and darkness of psychedelic experiences, and the spiritual significance of music. He shares his experiences with drugs and the spiritual realm, including encounters with the devil and the choice between darkness and #God. He discusses the influence of music, The #GratefulDead, and the connection between drugs and spirituality. Trey also talks about his experiences with #ayahuasca and the profound realizations he had during those trips. He ultimately chooses to follow God and finds #forgiveness and peace. In this final part of the conversation, Ben discusses the scientific research being done on the effects of DMT and the existence of a spiritual realm. He shares his belief that the mind is a connection to the spiritual world and that certain substances can manipulate this connection. He emphasizes the importance of choosing Jesus and the dangers of engaging with the spiritual realm without Him.


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