RT News - 13th June 2024 (early)

21 days ago

Jens Stoltenberg is seeking mandatory donations to Ukraine, for NATO member states in the European Union, of €40 billion a year to "ensure a more predictable amount of support for Ukraine" This money will be separate from other NATO contributions. It is not certain if the same commitment is required from UK and Canada. Upon hearing this demand, Maria Zakharova (Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman) said she fears that Washington is dragging Europe into a direct clash with Russia under the NATO flag.
Sarah Flounders gives comments and says what we already know, this is a for profit proxy war for the USA/UK .govs and big corporations.

Mr. Stoltenberg also told the EU member states of NATO that they must prepared for nuclear war.

An emergency press conference was held by the Schiller Institute yesterday (https://youtu.be/aOrmFJXyAVI) " The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped" During the conference, the panel gave a dire warning of nuclear conflict. Caleb Maupin reports on the press conference and how unaware most of the public are about the devastating effects of a nuclear conflict would be. (Also in depth with massive detail on his channel https://youtu.be/-AG2Via6zmg)

In Argentina, protests turned into riots as the public complain about economic reform which will adversely affect them, especially as workers.

An awful statistic : 40% of deaths of all children around the world this year, have happened in Gaza in the past 8 months. More than 8,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition. Five citizens were killed and many injured yesterday in IDF attacks on Gaza. 37,000 Gazans have been killed since October 7th 2023, nearly 100,000 injured, a huge percentage of them children.

Olympics : Protesters have asked for the Israel team to compete under a flag of neutrality. Alan Moore (sports columnist) comments about the Olympics this year and the way they are being used as a political tool.

In Iraq, overnight, a massive oil refinery blaze happened and is still burning.

Russia's government says the new round of sanctions won't affect "anyone in the street" in Russia (the general public) but will affect the Moscow stock exchange, where Russia's .gov have stopped accepting US dollars and Euros as an exchange medium. Chris Emms explains it for us and has a short clip of Pres. Putin at SPIEF earlier in the week.

More violent protests in Armenia as concessions are made to Azerbaijan and the demand the resignation of the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan who said he wanted out of CSTO yesterday then changed his mind. (This reeks of Soros - my comment). Aleksandr Bobrov, a professor at MGIMO University comments.

RT SHORT TAKE : As NATO pushes for its member states to provide mandatory funding for Ukraine every year Russia says the US is pushing Europe into a direct conflict with Moscow. While the US-led military bloc ramps up tensions in Europe, some voices across the Atlantic are warning about the devastating potential for nuclear war, before it is too late. Argentinians riot in the streets as the cash-strapped South American country’s Senate approves controversial economic reforms pushed by the president. The Moscow Exchange suspends trading in dollars and euros following a new round of US sanctions but the central bank says it won’t affect regular people or companies.

#Russia, #Ukraine, #NATO, #Iraq, #refinery fire, #Stoltenberg, #EU, #billions, #mandates, #nuclear war, #protests, #Armenia, #Pashinyan, #Azerbaijan, #sanctions. #olympics

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