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Luke 12:40 New King James Version
40 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA PEOPLE!!! How was your Thursday?
Let me ask you this guys. If you were given notice, whether through e-mail, Facebook, Instagram, X, or any other social media that you might be on, that Jesus was coming back today, what would you do? Would you be nonchalant about it, or would you be living as a Christian should, and obedience to God, with honor and integrity, like you've always been anticipating Him coming back? Cindy Hess Kasper this morning's devotional writer, asked a very important question, when she asked the following: “What difference might it make and our day-to-day priorities, if we did know the moment our savior is coming back to earth? (John 14:1-3).” I don't know about any of you guys, but I think it would make a huge difference! If I knew the precise day, hour, minute, and second that Jesus was coming back, I'd want to make sure I was living a life that honors Him, wouldn't you?

I think that's why these questions from this morning’s devotional, really got me to thinking about that, and what it means to be watching, waiting, and expecting Jesus to come back. I want to share these questions with you tonight, and I pray that these questions will challenge you to be thinking the same thing too.

How are you motivated by Jesus’ imminent return?

What can you expect when He comes again?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from His Word on this very important subject, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, challenges you to want to be living every day with a perspective of eternity, serving God and taking advantage of every opportunity that God gives you to share the good news of Jesus Christ To this lost and dying world. Come join me in this vlog tonight and learn for yourself what it truly means to be watching, waiting, and expecting Jesus! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to challenge you to really think about these questions from this morning's devotional and ask yourself just how motivated you truly are by Jesus' imminent return, and to live every day like He could come then. That we live like EVERY moment, second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year, could be the moment Jesus will come, and make sure that we are living lives of holiness, honor, integrity, and obedience to God in everything that we say and do. Let's ask God to help us patiently wait as we obey him, pursue holiness, honor, and integrity, living every day in expectation of Christ's return.



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