Scriptural ET Agenda Unveiled - CTM Part1

27 days ago

Questions and Talking Points:
1. The Role of Jesus’ Words in prophecy Fulfilment: How the spoken words of Jesus serve as a basis for prophecy fulfillment. Can you elaborate on how the fulfillment of prophecy is extensively based on the spoken words of Jesus?
2.. The Creation-Mother Modality: Understanding the synergy between metaphysical origins and physical cosmogony. What is the Nature and Origin of the Creator-Father-Creation-Mother modality as you see it?
3. God as Universal Intelligence: Exploring the concept of God as an intelligent designer using universal omnipresent consciousness. How do you define the nature of God as Universal Intelligence, and how does this concept relate to the idea of an intelligent designer utilizing universal omnipresent consciousness.
4. Extraterrestrial Existence and Human Evolution: The purpose of extraterrestrial beings in the transformation of humanity to a universal starhuman state. Can you explain the nature and origin of extraterrestrial existence and its purpose in transitioning humanity from the old human state to a starhuman state of universality?
5. Reconfiguration of Human Sexuality: The implications of reinterpreting human sexuality in light of biblical codes and the concept of ‘Devil=Lived’. What is your perspective on the reconfiguration of human sexuality, and how does it relate to the ‘Devil=Lived’ concept and the Christian self-expression as you interpret biblical codes?
6. Apocalyptic Codes in Scripture: Deciphering the meanings of the ‘beast’ and related symbols in biblical apocalyptic literature. What do you believe is the meaning of the ‘beast’ and other related apocalyptic codes found in Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation?
7. Historical Contexts of Biblical Narratives: The historical evidence for the Moses exodus and the Judahic-Israelite kingdoms in ancient history. Can you discuss the historical accuracy of the Moses exodus and the divided Judahic-Israelite kingdoms within the context of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian/Sumerian history?
8. Original Sin and Body of the Resurrection: Advanced interpretations of ‘original sin’ and BOR in quantum mechanical terms and their relation to Jesus’ teachings. What are the decoded meanings of ‘original sin’ and the BOR (Body of the Resurrection) in their advanced quantum mechanical interpretations and how do they relate to the spoken words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi codices?
9.Twinsoul God-Goddess Dyad and Redemption: The narrative of ‘good versus evil’ and the role of the twinsoul dyad in the Christian apocalyptic timeline. What is the overall agenda of the twinsoul God-Goddess monadic dyad in the ‘good versus evil’ narrative and its timeline fulfillment in the Christian Bible’s ‘Book of Life’?
10. Human Genome and ET Genetic Code: The connection between human and extraterrestrial genetics, focusing on electropolar and magnetopolar characteristics. . How do you see the relationship between the human genome and the ET genetic code, especially in terms of electropolar and magnetopolar characteristics?
11. Other Relevant Topics and commentary on related subjects based on Tony’s extensive knowledge. Are there any other topics you believe are relevant for our discussion today where you can provide insightful commentary?

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