The Hantam Karoo with a Dry Waterfall and a Quiver Tree Forest! S1 – Ep 134

27 days ago

What a great surprise when we tried for the second time and found the Bagdad Café open this time. It is located in the heart of the Knersvlakte. We ordered ourselves a take-away lunch of roosterkoek and hit the road immediately. We had been travelling on the Knersvlakte for hours and were starving, so the lunch couldn't have come at a better time! As we travelled through the Hantam Karoo we stopped off at the Nieuwoudtville Falls just to see what the gorge looked like even though there was no water. Truly an amazing sight, I can just imagine when water is rushing through. Then we had another mission. Trying to get permission to fly my drone and film the Quiver Tree Forest turned out to be an impossible task, so all we could do was to take pictures and share those with you. Remember to call in advance if you want to film the forest. #DustBugs #adventuretravel #southafrica #southafricavlog #knersvlakte #hantamkaroo #waterfalls #quivertreeforest




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