Busted Baby Pretends She Was Asleep The Whole Time

6 years ago

Little kids always think that they can get away with it! Just look at this little baby just tearing apart her bookshelf. Beyond, being caught, we are not even sure what her end goal was with throwing all of those books on the floor. Maybe she just enjoys throwing things. Kids and babies especially can be so strange about making messes for what appear to be absolutely no reason. At least, half of that bookshelf is on the floor by the time her mom catches her. This kid works quickly.

We do enjoy how when the girl’s mom catches her for a moment she acts as though her mom didn’t even see her. Sure, she looks back at her mom and smiles, but then she goes right back to throwing books off of the shelf. But then her mom gets close and the camera zooms in. The baby girl then takes her dive. She falls to the floor and curls up on a pillow that is also on the floor. Was this kid napping on the couch beforehand or are floor just her thing?

Yes, at the end of the video we do see the little girl give up the ghost. She rolls over and giggles at her mom with a huge smile on her caught red-handed face. However, we do love the minute of effort she gives to pretending that, no, she wasn’t just flinging books willy-nilly off of the shelf. When her mom brings the camera around you can see that her eyes are closed and she is very consciously trying to act as though she was asleep the whole time. Minus 10 points for delusion but plus 20 for her dedication.

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