Some MPs Aid Foreign Actors in Interfering in Canadian Politics

8 months ago

06/11/2024 Branden Leslie, Canadian Member of Parliament: A recent bombshell intelligence report by NSICOP highlights that some parliamentarians are willfully and knowingly aiding foreign state actors interfering in Canadian Politics. But what's worse is this liberal government actually knows the names of these parliamentarians and they are refusing to disclose it.
#CanadianPolitics #ForeignInterfere #NSICOP #BrandenLeslie
06/11/2024 加拿大下议员布兰登·莱斯利:加拿大国家安全和议员情报委员会最近公布的一份重磅情报报告强调说,有国会议员“有意识地”甚至“主动地”协助外国政府干预加拿大政治。但更糟糕的是,自由党政府实际上知道这些议员的名字,他们却拒绝披露。
#加拿大政治 #外国干预 #加拿大国家安全和议员情报委员会 #​​布兰登·莱斯利

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