3 months ago

Well, well well, It seems that once again the American People have been right yet again. Proving once again that Americans of all classes, backgrounds and races see the communist democrat lies foisted upon the American People.
We all saw and all said that the Communist Dems want the Illegals voting for them come election time. The commies laughed in our faces, rolled their eyes and called The American People racist, bigots, conspiracy theorist and every name in the book because we all said the communist dems are bringing the illegals in for votes, and now, we have been proven right again as we see the communist democraps calling criminal aliens that crossed our border illegally with the aid and abetting of our own communist government ran by the Biden communist regime, calling those criminals undocumented citizens and the like. What the heck does undocumented citizens even mean? So, now they want to use the soft language to make it appear as if the criminal aliens are a gift from heaven and we ought to bend over backwards to house, feed, provide and even transfer our citizenship and rights as Americans to the criminal aliens.
Fact is, they are trying right now to institute un Constitutional laws and policies to give the criminal aliens voting rights. So, The American People were right again, just like we always are. We see and live through the damages and outright disregard of not only The Will of The American People, but also Our US Constitution. Do not fall for the Biden Admiration saying they all the sudden care about the damages from the open borders, they've had 3.5 years to stop it and they are just now magically recognizing there is a problem.... yeah right. These commies lie constantly and they are going to drive up the markets, lower the inflation, raise the job numbers, lower the interest rates, they are going to move heaven and earth for the next 4 or 5 months to try and make everyone believe that this communist crap show is working. Do not buy into it, because if they get re-elected everything will sink back lower than it is now, probably even way lower due to the fact that they are communist, and that means they only care about their power and prosperity, criminals make it look like they've learned their lesson when the trial comes up, trying to fool everyone that they've changed their ways, but 9 times out of 10, as soon as the trial is over, they go right back to their criminal ways, they want us broke and under communist rule, do not fall for the rigged economic reports about the economy, it's all lies and they may do something like lower rates, get inflation a little lower and ect, but it will only be for a very short time and then we will be back to the communist purge and the sell out of our country.
Vote TRUMP in 2024, do not take the clickbait from the MSM, all they do is lie!

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