Morgoth: The Technocratic Agenda & Net Zero Is At Odds With Mass Immigration - Yet They Push It

2 months ago

The thing I've never understood about the technocratic agenda is how it melds with mass immigration. If you're going to take seriously Agenda 2030 and reducing your carbon footprint, then why are you not trying to scale down the population. Why are you trying to flood the zone with all of these people from everywhere? Its also people who breed like rabbits, who are then going to mulitply.

Excerpts, Millenniyule 9 - 2023: Morgoth.

Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering - Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines

The said new paradigms of global concern are siloed and sanitized concerns, in-effect devoid of social-class, development-disparity, exploitation-structure and nation-sovereignty practical dimensions. They became global and state “religions” to pacify, hypnotize, and align populations for continued globalization, including the first steps towards a global carbon economy (with carbon traded in US dollars).

• The government, scientific, academic, education, NGO, and media sectors embraced and promoted the new paradigms of global concern. All globally-controlled corporations greened and equified. There could never be enough climate change prevention, gender equity, or racial social justice; and all problems and risks were due to deficits in climate change prevention, gender equity, and racial social justice.

• A social-justice education industry developed, based on newly-minted “critical race theory”, which transformed old-fashioned political analysis of exploitative power relations into awareness of “intersectionality”, and old-fashioned political analysis of social coalition formation into recognition of white privilege and the unjust burden of being brown.

• The UN had explicitly called for criminalization (“penal measures”) of “all forms and manifestations of racism, xenophobia or related intolerance”, and this elite-instigated desire was made reality with codes of conduct, vast internet censorship, hate-speech prosecutions, exploding defamation litigation threats, and arrays of sanctions against unapproved political views.

• The only effective resistance against globalization in the West has become the recent electoral and demonstrative revolts related to the Brexit vote, the Trump electoral victory, and the Gilets jaunes movement, all newly understood as the class conflict between the deplorables and the bobos-and-elites, between the sedentary rural inhabitants (the “somewheres”) and the globalist urbanites (the “anywheres”).

• Thus, it is no accident that the deplorables express their particular multi-faceted array of complaints from needed economic revitalization of the rural nation, to rejection of carbon taxation, to repudiation of the gender-equity and anti-racism programs, including censorship and political correctness.

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