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Faith Over Fear - 06.11.2024 - “Long Covid” and Vaccine Injury w/ Harpal Mangat, MD

8 months ago


Faith Over Fear - 06.11.2024 - “Long Covid” and Vaccine Injury: Case Studies on Treatment

with Special Guest Harpal Mangat, MD


  • 0/2000
  • Covid is a bio weapon this md is way behind. Amyloid NONblood clots are causing sudden deaths. Microclotting is different that’s blood clotting. The large ARTERIAL occlusions are of the amyloid non breakable (by coroners trying to embalm) dissolv from Vit c , edta chelation and others. Look to substack Humanity United Now. https://open.substack.com/pub/anamihalceamdphd/p/c19-unvaccinated-have-same-blood?r=2abn2v&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

  • Dr. Ardis recommends the nicotene patches/gum of only 2 mg a day. He says they work in a very short time (hours or days) so i would think that heart arrythmias are unlikely.

  • I thought the test was a lie. It gave false / negative. Also they said the test caused covid to get into our brain I never had the shot, had one test and she put it way up my nose, it burned, 🤧 So does the test work or not?

  • Do you know any doctors in Georgia USA ? My nephew has been going to doctors for over a year. He needs a doctor. He didn't have the shot. Diagnosis is long covid. This was great but doesn't help as far as treatment. There is no treatment that keeping with a doctor, so who can he see? Who uses your covid protocol here in Georgia?????