Service on NY Attorney General on Behalf of Donald Trump

8 months ago

Service on NY Attorney General on Behalf of Donald Trump
Service on the State of New York Attorney General, Letitia James
Service is being provided on the State of New York Attorney General, Letitia James, on
behalf of Donald J. Trump, for the crimes of Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law (18
USC §242), Conspiracy to Deprive of Rights (18 USC §241), Kidnapping (18 USC §1201)
and any other crimes as ascertainable by the evidence on the record, by and between agents
of the State of New York.
The affidavit is being served by Tanawah M. Downing, Sui Juris, who was present at the
courthouse the day that Mr. Trump was arraigned and therefore, can order the arrest for the
felony’s committed in his presence, as he is empowered by Oath to support and defend the
Constitution for the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic,
taken on November 19, 1996 at Military Entrance Processing Station, Spokane,
Washington, United States of America. As an Agent empowered to enforce the laws of the
United States, this order for arrest of Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan and the Deputy Sheriff
who performed the unlawful arrest on Mr. Trump in New York County, State of New York
on April 4, 2023, is fully with force and effect.
The purpose of the Grand Jury is to protect the innocent from hasty or malicious charges
by an overzealous prosecutor. It is not a proceeding intended to protect the accuser, rather
the accused. So, when 2 or more persons conspire for the purpose of preventing any party
in any cause from participating in said cause, the crime of “Conspiracy to Obstruction
Justice” has occurred. Therefore, when the Prosecuting Attorney, Alvin Bragg, conspired
by and between the accuser, Stormy Daniel’s (Stephanie), and then the Judge, Juan
Merchan, proceeded with a Grand Jury proceeding with the intent to prevent the accused
from being present to confront the accusations against him, by that crime, all actions or
decisions rendered from that moment forward, by the State, are void, wholly without force
or effect. A maxim of law is, “You cannot break the law in order to enforce the law.” By
the crimes committed by Agents of the State, in an act of Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice,
Mr. Trump was unlawfully brought before a judicial proceeding that lacked the authority
to speak the law. Mr. Downing hereby submits this criminal affidavit, as a Sui Juris
litigator, sworn to Support and defend the Constitution for the United States of America,
on behalf of Donald J. Trump for the crimes committed against him, in the pursuance of an
adjudication that by these crimes, are hereby rendered void.
General James, do the right thing, discharge the duties of your Office, fulfill the promises
that you have made to the People of the State of New York and hold criminals accountable
for their crimes. The People do not care what title they carry or Office they hold, criminals
must be held criminally liable for the crimes that they commit against the People.
Having been made aware of the criminal conspiracy, by and between Agents of your State,
you now have an obligation to act and failure to do so will make you complicit in the
crimes, due to your complacency.
Blessings to you and to yours.

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