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Prophet Julie Green - The Celebrations Against My David Won't Last Long - Captions
On Friday, May 31, 2024, Julie delves into themes of faith, prophecy, and understanding God's messages amidst life's challenges. Julie experiences a moment of grief and confusion after misinterpreting a prophetic word related to recent events surrounding 'David,' (President Trump), and subsequent legal challenges. She recounts a personal journey through prayer, reflection, and correction, ultimately emphasizing God's continual guidance and control. The script reasserts messages from God about not succumbing to fear, the illusory nature of current challenges, and the ultimate triumph of divine justice over earthly judgments. Key prophetic insights shared include the apparent defeat of enemies and the vindication of 'David,' reinforcing trust in God’s ultimate plan and urging believers to stand firm in faith, worship, and resistance.
Show Notes:
00:00 Morning Reflections and Encouragement
00:35 Personal Struggles and Divine Guidance
03:13 Prophetic Word and Clarification
06:48 Understanding Exoneration and Faith
10:56 God's Plan and Encouragement
15:49 Prophetic Word for the Nation
25:07 Divine Justice and Prophetic Assurance
40:55 A Divine Warning: Something Big is Coming
41:49 Enemies' Desperation and God's Assurance
42:38 The Movement of Freedom and Justice
43:10 Prophetic Words and Illusions
44:05 The Storm Upon the Enemies
45:32 Scriptural Encouragement and Faith
47:27 Worship and Resist: The Battle Plan
48:14 God's Justice and the Enemies' Downfall
57:59 The Illusion of Guilt and God's Verdict
01:00:26 A Call to Stand and Fight
01:06:46 The Ultimate Victory: God's Plan Unfolds
01:18:41 Prayer and Encouragement for the Nation
01:21:06 Closing Remarks and Upcoming Events
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
2 Cor. 5:7
Mark 4:2-9
Rom. 4:17
Ps. 37:9-10, 13, 38-40
Ps. 68:1-6
1 Tim. 6:12
Gen. 16:1-16
Gen. 17:1-2
Rom. 1:17
Prov. 16:18
Isa. 54:17
Do not fear ANYTHING you are about to hear. God is in control.
Your enemies will receive Haman's reward.
WAR: Worship And Resist, then the Wicked Are Restricted
God is the God of justice and rules over all. Justice is the foundation of His throne.
Do not surrender. Fight the good fight of faith.
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
God's rule and His verdict will stand.
God is a supernatural God.
Marching Order: Stand and fight (spiritually)
Marching order: Rejoice!
Don't give up and quit because God will not fail.
God is not going to allow the enemies to stand and win.
God is victorious over everything!
Exonerate: when the conviction of a crime is reversed.
Prophecies mentioned:
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday, May 31st of 2024. And yes, this is a good morning. And yes, this is a day that the Lord has made. And no matter what happened yesterday, It doesn't matter. We are still sitting watching God and waiting for Him to do something. Our enemies want us in panic. They want us in fear.
They want us worried. They want us, like, throwing our hands in the air. They want us all discouraged and God saying, I got it. Yesterday, when I heard this, I, it hit me hard because I'm like, Lord, wait, your word said yesterday.... And I just, I just kept getting grieved by it. And I was just so overwhelmed by it.
Cause I was going to get back on here last night and I was going to do a live show. And even my husband stopped me from doing it because I react sometimes really quickly when I shouldn't. And so the Lord used him, thank you, Chris, to let me calm down and go into prayer. Because the first thing that kept it coming up in my spirit as soon as I heard That you know verdict was This is what the lord said yesterday in this prophetic word.
My children do not fear Anything you are about to hear I will make it clear that I Am near, I will make it clear. I'm in control. I will make it clear that this nation is mine and not theirs. So as we see it yesterday, and I went and I was like, just overwhelmed. And I said, Lord, I misunderstood the word yesterday because I thought there was going to be something else.
He goes, go back and read it. And I'm like, okay. I said, I apologized to him. I was repenting. I was crying. I was overwhelmed because my job is to give you the word. My job is to give you the instructions that God is giving me to give to you. But if I'm ever wrong, I'm a human. I can miss it. And that weight was on me so bad because I never want to lead you in the wrong direction I never want to lead you in something that isn't true And so I was overwhelmed by it and I said lord, I gotta go out repent He said go read the word and I said, but I know what it says He goes go read the word and so I took my computer up So I always spend about an hour hour and a half or more praying before I go to bed at night Took my notebook, took my Bible, took my computer, and I just sat in my bed and I just started praising God.
I started worshiping him. I got into it. I started putting on praise and worship music on, and I started getting into the flow of the Holy spirit. And I said, okay, Lord. And I kept opening this thing back up and I kept reading it. And I said, did I read it wrong? He said yesterday, or I'm telling you this because he told me this this morning too, that was a warning.
He was warning us yesterday's word was a warning. He was giving me that. He kept saying it was a warning. It was a warning. I was trying to get my children's attention on what the enemies were doing. Let's go over that prophetic word again. And then I'm going to go over a prophetic powerful word that he gave me last night before I could go to bed.
And that just put me on like cloud nine because I'm like, Lord, He showed me because there's sometimes we let our reasoning get involved when it comes to prophetic and God saying, look, go and read it. Go get into prayer. That's why I tell you guys to do it all the time. Well, I had to take my own word where God has been telling you through me.
He's been telling you, go get in the word. Don't take my word for it. He goes, go get in that prophetic word and go get my written word and see what I said. Don't reason it out. And I said, okay. So again, that's why I'm glad I didn't jump because God was saying, look, I want to talk to you. Let me make it clear.
So I want to show you something. Now remember, I was like, Lord, I had something else planned yesterday. You had me give him this word. He goes, read it. How I said it and I said, okay, so look at the first paragraph. Now I'm going to read the one from yesterday first. We're going to go over this one first because it's called the cases against my David.
Now, again, I cried over you all last night. I cried over this entire situation because I never, and I'm going to say this again. I never want to lead you in the wrong direction. I never want to give you false hope, but I knew the power of almighty God. I knew the force behind that word. I knew that this was him saying it, not me.
I just took it wrong. So now there's clarification. This is what he was saying. Look at the first paragraph. He says your enemies think they have my David caught in a trap. They think their power's greater than mine. They believe their systems with their judges and their court cases. They think they can bring him down.
Well, they can't. Yesterday, they truly believed they brought him down with that verdict or those verdicts. They truly believe they brought him down. God was warning us and God was saying, look now, let's keep reading They don't have that kind of power Just as they did when they he was in the white house as your enemies pursued him repeatedly To remove him from his place of a position of power with their fake impeachments Now, you know that there was fake impeachments because there wasn't a crime then either.
Now, think about this for a minute because God kept reminding me of this last night when I was praying into this. The house said they impeached him and they said he was guilty of a crime, right? He was guilty. That's why they impeached him. But then it had to go to the Senate and the Senate acquitted him.
But there was a word that God gave the other day, a word. And he even told me this morning, he goes, go look up that word. And I said, okay, this is from May 14th. I'm going to go back to this other word from yesterday. Just give me a second. May 14th called the demise of fake politicians. That was the name of it.
And it says right here, the word exonerated. He used the word and he told us exonerated. Now let's look up what the word exonerated means. Because again, what has God been telling us? Things are not how they appear to be. First and foremost, things are not how they appear to be. This is where God's people have to walk by faith and not by sight.
He keeps warning us about do not get in fear. And again, yesterday he said, do not get into fear what you are about to hear. He was warning us about what we were about to hear that day. He was warning. It was right there. Let's keep reading. What is exonerated mean?
Exoneration occurs when the conviction for a crime is reversed. So, somebody who is falsely accused or convicted of a crime can be exonerated and that can be completely wiped out as if it wasn't ever there. Exonerated is different than a not guilty or sorry, than an innocent or not guilty. This is exonerated.
That means whatever it was is completely wiped out as if it never existed. It's better to be exonerated than it is to have a not guilty verdict. So again, exonerated, you are reversed. So any of the question that you were ever guilty at all, because people can have a not guilty verdict, but then people have still questioned in their mind, were all they actually guilty?
Did they just get away with a crime? So again, God said the, and use the word exonerated and he keeps saying unconventional. He keeps talking about unprecedented. Well, I think yesterday was very unconventional. Yesterday was very unprecedented. This has never happened in our country's history. God said it is going to look worse before it gets better.
What was this to do? This is to rile people up. This is to shake people up. God even said, I'm going to read it from yesterday. He even said to do not sit on the sidelines. Now, how do we not sit on the sidelines? We don't get to sit there and do things naturally. What the enemy wants you to do, they're trying to poke the bear.
They're trying to get you into precarious situations so they can catch you and blame you for stuff. Don't follow for that trap. And this is what God says in this prophetic word he gave me last night, but let me keep reading this other one. He says, now listen, it didn't, now he's talking about the impeachments again.
Cause they found him guilty in the house, that's why they impeached him, alright? But God said, look, did you see those didn't work because of me? These cases! And he says, cases, not just this case, he said, cases will not work. These cases will be these cases will be brought sorry, these cases will not bring him down.
Well, yesterday, excuse me, it looked like he was brought down. He said right here, these cases will not bring him down. These cases are nothing against me and they are nothing against my David. He was already warning us of this. Then he says, my children, do you hear me? They can try all they have wanted to try.
They have tried embarrassments and shames and false criminal accusations and supposed crimes. But there is nothing there. No, there is nothing at all. I will show you my David will stand tall. And I will show you the enemies against him are nothing at all. So he was showing us and he was warning us about what they were going to do.
And he's saying, look, they don't have my David where they want him. I can't wait to read the one he gave me last night. But he said, look, they don't have him where they want him. Not at all. He's going to stand tall just because of what came down yesterday. Does not change anything at all. It doesn't change what God is saying.
And then this is the part of the prophecy. That got me for a long time. I sat there and I prayed and I prayed and I prayed. This is the part he says there'll be no guilty verdict because there's no crime. He will not do any time behind their bars in their prisons. No, they will not get what they wanted.
No, not at all. We can say, well, that was not true because there was a "guilty verdict". Look, he says there will be no guilty verdict because when somebody is exonerated, it's like it's never existed in the first place. You can have a fake inauguration doesn't mean the person in that place is a real president.
You can have a fake king. To be coronated doesn't mean he's actually the king you can have a fake verdict It doesn't mean that person is actually guilty at all So you can have these things God keeps talking about and I'm going to show you this prophecy that my my friends Thank you. Angie sent to me last night That I totally forgot and then God had me look these up this morning about things are an illusion Remember God said we're watching a show These things are not how they appear to be and just like he was giving me also the example of Abraham and Sarah how it looked like he said you're gonna be the father of many nations Well, it looked like that wasn't gonna ever happen.
It looked like that wasn't true It looked like that He had gotten that prophecy wrong. Well, no, He didn't get it wrong. He just.... When Sarah thought, hey, you're just gonna have a son with Hagar, my handmaiden, she tried to reason out the prophecy. That's why God says it's so important not to reason these things out.
Like I said, I got corrected last night. And so what we have to do when we think something is gonna go a certain way, then we got to go back into that prophetic word or go back into the Word of God and say, okay, Lord, I know you didn't miss it. I miss it. Where do I need correcting? That's why he keeps telling me to say all the time.
Don't take my word for it. I'm saying this to me. He's telling me to say this to you all the time. Don't take my word for it. You get into the word of God and you go take God's word. You go get in his word and you see what he says. I had to take my own. I got to practice what I preach type of thing last time.
Seriously. I had to practice what I preach. So when it hits you hard like that. The first thing you should do is go into prayer and see what God says, because the first thing the enemy wants to do, what has God been warning us about? God's been warning us about fear. God's been warning us about the enemies trying to things look one way when they're actually another.
What did he say? Things are going to look one way when they're actually another. God was saying right here, *there is no crime*. You can't commit somebody When there's no crime you can but it's not legal. It won't stand and remember how God was giving us all those Those verses yesterday now he rules over Kings and while he cuts them off Oh go back and go back and read those scriptures they were powerful powerful scriptures that each and every one of us needed to hear For what we were about to hear last night Remember it says in God's word in Mark chapter five or sorry Mark chapter four The parable of the sower and the sower sows the word the thief comes to immediately steal the word So yesterday as we were hearing this warning as we were hearing what God said was going to happen I'm telling you I was excited I was joyful because I actually thought it was gonna be a "hung jury" or "not guilty".
It kind of hit me like 2020 did in a way. You're just like, what is going on? And he said, listen and read my word. That's not what it said. I'm like, okay. So I went back and read it now. Let's keep reading. What does it say right after that? Look at what he was trying to tell us. Listen, *there will be no "guilty"*.
That means God calls those things as not, as if they already existed. God is saying, look, he's going to wipe the slate clean. Like it was never there. Just like he can do. He can go all the way back. It's called retroactive restoration. Even though our enemies are trying to do something to destroy President Trump, or even destroy this nation.
God even says, and gives it to us right here. He says, my children, I have allowed certain things to happen in this nation to show you their two-tiered justice system. He allowed this to happen and then he says to show you the criminals on to show you the criminals and who they really are to show you they will stop at nothing to steal your nation from you.
I would say falsely accusing a former president or a "real president" of crimes they didn't commit. I would say that's showing us they're stopping at nothing to steal this nation. I can't wait for to hear you guys to hear this other word that he gave me. I gotta go through this one. Okay. Then he says, again, he was warning us yesterday and he says, don't you know, I've heard your cries?
I have heard your prayers? Now this is another sentence that kept rising up in my spirit last night when I was starting to grieve about it. This is what he kept telling me and he goes, go read that. I said, okay. I Am answering them, just not how you thought. God is answering our prayers, just not how we thought
he was going to answer them. We thought he was going to answer yesterday a totally different way. And that's not how he was going to answer it. He's going to answer it in his way. Everything he keeps telling us, everything that they're doing, is Haman's reward... and so all the things that they're doing against him are not going to stand They're not going to last when you have judges.
You have lawyers. You have a DOJ... you have all these criminals in places of power who don't really belong there who will not really put there Guess what and a person that's a judge who's not upholding the law We'll get to that later. All right, let's keep reading.... Then he says so I Am answering them.
He's answering our prayers, Just not how we thought. Then he says, I'm stepping in. I'm allowing you to see what has been hidden. Your enemies are coming out. Now, listen, this is another key thing he said yesterday that I know people probably missed because I didn't miss it at first. I have allowed them to think this way.
I allowed them to do certain things. This was not for the, sorry, your enemy. I skipped over the sentence. I was going to read. Your enemies are coming out in the open, truly believing they are in control. He says, your enemies are coming out in the open, truly believing they are in control. They came out in the open yesterday, believing that they're in control of that verdict.
And they're in control of this nation. They're in control of our laws. And they're supposedly in control of this next election. God was warning us of this right here. That's why he had me read this prophetic word He says I have allowed them to think this way. I've allowed them to do certain things This was not for the fall of this nation.
Yesterday was not for the fall of this nation. This was not for the fall of the nations or the fall to be allowed to take down my David. Yesterday's verdict was not allowed to take down his David. And again, this is what he says next. Keep reading. This was to let you see such great tyranny has been in your land and a great darkness of these leaders and how they've been tearing your freedoms away from you.
I have allowed these things for you to see, but it's now time for you to see the fall of it all. Who's gonna have the last say? God is... God yesterday, was preparing us to hear what we thought some of us that he we were going to hear He was preparing this nation. He was preparing all this children and he was saying it right here Now look what he says the next part It's time for you to see the fall of the Empire the fall of an establishment a fall of a puppet a fall of a coup a fall of a great corruption a fall of great deception Well, the opposite looked like it took place yesterday.
It's always the darkest before the dawning, before a breakthrough. Then he said this and had me put this in bold yesterday. Remember, I told you this. *My children, do not fear anything you are about to hear.* Well, just a few hours later,
a court case was going to shake this nation. I will make it clear that I Am near. I will make it clear I Am in control. I will make it clear that I This is my nation and not theirs. They think yesterday. I got to keep going. Cause this was that the Lord was showing me about it. I saw their faces laughing and glee and what God had to say about it now.
And he says, the more they have done against my David, the more they have done against you was for you to see that all you need is me. All we need right now. We're seeing in this country. All we need is God. We can't trust the justice system. He just showed us that he just showed us that our enemies will stop at nothing.
He told us that he's been telling us that he's been telling us that things are not how they appear to be. He's been telling us that they're going to try to bring fear and confusion. Remember, he said that confusion was going to intensify. He said that what'd he say? Confusion was going to intensify.
He said, things are going to look and they're going in the wrong direction. He's been warning us of all these things over and over again. And again and again and again, and then there's some people that fall down and they get in fear and they can't get back up again because people believe, well, that's it.
Then he can't run for presidency and then he won't be elected and then our country is just going to go down and, you know, hell in a handbasket. That's not what God said at all. He said the shaking. Now listen, the shaking had to take place. Things had to be allowed to cause a great awakening, to cause a righteous indignation to rise up in my people.
He allowed yesterday to happen to cause a righteous indignation to rise up in my people, to not sit on the sidelines, to not allow unruly and unlawful government, to control your nation, to control your minds, to control your freedoms when they do not have that kind of power. God was telling us yesterday to rise up.
Don't fall down. If you do fall down, get back up again. Then he says, their deception was growing and what they were about to do would have killed this nation and the nations around the world. Don't you see this had to be to set you free? God allowed yesterday to happen just like he did with the Pharaoh of old.
He allowed certain things to happen in order for God's people to be set free. It looked like the opposite took place. Like I was just telling my CEO Mary Lou last night and I was sitting there outside in my deck and I was walking back and forth and I was just like burdened and I said, and I remember the Lord gave me the example of Moses when Moses kept going back to Pharaoh and he kept thinking, okay, God told me to go to Pharaoh, so Pharaoh's going to let God's people go.
It's just going to be that easy. Well, it's not. Then Moses had God's people turn on him because every single time he went to Pharaoh and said let my people go, something worse happened to them. Well, that's going on right now with God's people in the prophetic word, in the prophetic words. Things are looking like, some things are going in the wrong direction after prophetic word, and God's saying that's not it at all.
And just like Pharaoh didn't have the final say, these pharaohs of today will not have the final say. God will have his way. He keeps telling us that. Over and over and over again. So I want to get to the prophetic word that he gave me this morning I'm sorry last night last night before I went to bed and the teaching he gave me this morning now And that's about Abraham Sarah.
I'll get into some of these Scriptures here, but let's read what God gave me last night before I could go to bed when I was in prayer for a very Very long time over what happened yesterday This is what he said. The celebrations against my David won't last long. So this was the second word I heard for that day.
One was early in the morning and one was that late last night before I went to bed. Woe to the enemies of Almighty God. You are laughing, thinking you got what you desired. I will tell you, I will have the last laugh. Your verdict is a joke, an illusion. It's not real because it's not true. I will show you who's verdict
really counts. My son is not guilty and the world will see that it's true.... They will see your kangaroo courts and how they are a joke and how they are nothing against me I Am the judge over all the earth and my court rules over yours. I have warned you to back off. I have warned you to quit, but you refused.
Don't get comfortable celebrating because it won't last that long. Again, I say you do not have my David where you want him, but I have you where I want you. I will open the doors wide and show the world a sham of a case. This was, I will show your place. You have brought your indictments. You have brought your supposed charges against him.
You have proclaimed him guilty. Well, you will see you can't get past me. This won't last your joyful laughter and smug actions in front of *your* cameras. Your show is about to end and my children are about to laugh and they will see you fail and they will see you exposed. *You *will be embarrassed. *You* will be put to shame.
*You'll* _be tried and convicted_! I told you you will reap what you have sown. You got what you wanted, you thought, until you see me. And I'm about to do to *you* what *your* judges, *your* lawyers, *your* court system, and *your* government, it will come crashing down, and you will scatter before me! You are not in control of my David,
his life, his family, his freedom, or this nation. And you are about to see that as true.
Alvin Bragg judgment is coming for you. I will show the world who you are and who paid you. Your emails will be exposed. Your phone conversations will be heard. *You are guilty of treason,* *and it will be your end*. You are laughing now, but I will wipe that smile from your face. Because I will show you your place and where you belong, and I will show the world you were wrong, saith the Lord of hosts.
Judge Merchan, you are not a judge at all. I will show the world this was not constitutional. I will also show the world you are not above the law, you will not stay in that seat because I Am your defeat, saith the Lord.
My children, I have warned you about these things you would see and what you would hear that would bring fear, but I will show you that your enemy's defeat is here. So do not give up or quit now, not even when the pressure is building and being poured on you when it looks like there's no hope to win. I Am here, and that will be clear.
These things had to take place for your enemies fall to fall on their face. So keep standing and shouting, *Worship* *And Resist*, then the *Wicked Are Restricted*, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Then -- so I'm thinking he's done and he's not. And this is what I heard after. Now this trial has "ended". So I will show you the Biden, the DOJ, Obama, and how they've been involved in it all.
Remember the money? I will show you how they pass it under the table. Under the radar, where I have it all. I have their number, and it's about up....
Your enemies are about to wish they never convicted my David, because now they will all be exposed and convicted themselves. But what will happen to them will be far worse. And there is justice in *my* courts. And *my justice* will stand tall in this, or it will stand in this land, their injustice will fall and you are about to see it all.
Now that is God's response. Remember he lets the enemies go so far, but this is what it says in Psalm chapter 37 and he reminded me of this scripture last night when he was giving me this prophetic word. Well, again, I was praying into it. He always gives scriptures with prophetic words. Always. Because there's always a teaching in the word.
So then he says, first Psalm 37 in verse 13. Psalm 37 in verse 13.
The Lord laughs at the wicked. For he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. The Lord laughs at the wicked. Remember he says they're laughing right now. They were also laughing when they stole our election. They were laughing when they impeached President Trump. They were laughing with their smug faces, he said.
They're laughing and thinking they can do whatever they want, and they can get whatever they want, and they have their courts on their side. They are paying judges off. They're playing lawyers. They're paying the AGs are paying all these different things that come against him.
But God said right here, your enemies are about to wish they never convicted my David because now they will all be exposed and convicted themselves. But what will happen to them?
And there is justice in my courts and my justice will stand in this land, their injustice will fall and you will see it all. So yesterday he was talking to us about his kingdom and how he is the judge over all the earth. We know that. So we see wicked judges. Okay. We see them and what they're doing is so many different people.
We see what they just did to president Trump. Well, so they thought God allowed 2020 to happen so we could see what they have done. He allowed yesterday to happen. That's what he said in yesterday's word. He allowed it to happen. So you and I would see this two tier justice system and they're going to be caught.
In the act, they're not gotten away with it. I've got to read you something that my friend showed me. I totally forgot about this word. And that's why I'm glad I have such an amazing team and amazing friend and an amazing husband and family, because they remind me sometimes when I need to be reminded and encouraged myself.
Now, let me read this to you. I'm going to share actually my screen with you. I want you guys to see this. Okay, I'm going to share two of them with you. This is from April 5th of 2023 called the establishment in DC is about to fall apart in front of your eyes. Let's look at the two, the first two paragraphs.
For I, the Lord this day, I'm telling my children that a lot of what you see is an illusion Rather than the truth, it's a deception that most of mankind has given into again, people give into an illusion. They give into things that are seen. That's why God has been warning us and he warned us yesterday.
Don't give into this stuff. Don't give into what they are saying. He told us that their confusion was going to grow. Deception was going to intensify. He said this. Now, look what he said. The power of the overlords, as you would say, that you see now is seemingly indestructible and unbeatable. It appears like they are in control, and that their governments have taken over the world and destroyed justice and freedoms worldwide.
Yes, that's what they have tried, and that's their ultimate plan. Like yesterday, it's like, like our country just turned into a banana republic. There's no justice. There's no justice system and everybody can do whatever they want. And you can have a supposed sitting president go after his opponent and use the court system as a weaponization against him so he can defeat him that way because he can't defeat him in the polls.
Well, that's not how justice works. And that's why God says, look, I'm allowing certain things to happen so you can see it. Let's keep reading the second paragraph. They, the overlords, have stolen nations and overthrown the rightful people who belonged in those seats. They have stolen elections worldwide.
They blackmail people into saying, staying in their positions, though they no longer wanted to because the overlords want For them to be the fall person and take the brunt of resistance and the backlash that the leaders behind the scenes didn't want. They have killed many and threatened the lives of others and their family members to do the bidding and to pass whatever laws they wanted.
They have persecuted and prosecuted who they wanted to persecute and prosecute. Whether it was justifiable or not. God was warning us about this since last April well before that but I'm just saying this is the one he gave me to give To you now, let's scroll down a little bit more and see who else is in this prophecy Oh, lookie there.
Yeah, this is from last April year ago April Alvin Bragg. How dare you make up these charges? How dare you go after my David and my nation? Your judgment is coming. You will reap what you have sown. Your indictment will be told and talked about all over the news. For what you have sown, you shall reap a great harvest.
Treason is your end, saith the Lord of hosts. So he was warning Alvin Bragg back over a year ago. Now let's read another one about an illusion. Again, because God keeps saying things are not how they appear to be at all. So let's read another one.
Now this one is something big is coming against you. This was from March. 17th of 2024. So this was just two months ago. Now, let's see what it says. There will be disruptions eruptions Explosions calamity and great catastrophe to the powers and the plans of the enemy my children I'm standing in the way my power destroys theirs because there was no one like me your enemies are trying everything against you Everything they know how to do they will do well.
We saw that yesterday They weaponize the justice system. He says, you see in my word that when Pharaoh grew angry against my people, he plotted against them. He threw everything he could at them to bring them in a submission and to destroy their boldness, hope, strength, or any fight they had left. And this is what your enemies are trying now.
That's exactly what they did to Trump president Trump yesterday. That's exactly what they try to do to each and every one of us. Let's read that part again. You see in my word that when Pharaoh grew angry against my people, he plotted against them. He threw everything he could at them to bring them into submission and destroy their boldness and hope.
And then he says, and this is what your enemies are trying now. This was a weapon formed against president Trump. Yes. This was a weapon formed against our nation to take it down, to bring our justice system to all out collapse, to get us hopeless, in fear, discouraged, crying. Whining, complaining, you know, to give in to defeat.
That's what it was. But God told us yesterday in that prophetic word, remember he said, don't sit on the sideline. Let that righteous indignation rise up in you as you see an unlawful government. And what they're doing with the justice system. Let's keep reading here. Remember who I Am in these days. I Am your protector and deliverer.
Your enemies are only allowed to go so far to lead them into their own destruction and to awaken my people. If yesterday didn't wake people up, I don't know what will. Guys been warning us. They were going to throw everything at us, everything. And that means going after the rightful president, they're going to throw everything at him, but what are we supposed to do about it?
God gave us the marching order. I'll get back to that in a minute. The next part, something big is coming against you. Something you don't see, but remember me, I Am bigger. God right here in March was telling us something big is coming against you. Tearing our justice system to shreds, I would say there's something coming against us.
Then he says, something you don't see. Well, I, last year, I don't think a lot of us saw this was going to happen. Not the way it went down. But he says, look, but remember me. I Am bigger. God wants us to remember right now. He is bigger than he says. Your enemies cannot under any circumstances afford to lose this year.
They cannot afford to let my David win in 2024. They cannot let him become president again. Because then they will lose this nation and their power. So he was warning us about another way. The enemies would try to stop our rightful president, but they couldn't stop the election. They see, remember what God said to us last week.
They see the writings on the wall. They're going to lose. They see the poll numbers. They see that the momentum has shifted. They see this movement into the, what God has been giving us and showing us. It's not just, but for president Trump, it is a movement of freedom. It's a movement to stand and fight for what our country is.
It stands for our foundation of our country is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is not for a banana republic to be in control. It is not for us to sit down, shut up, and sit on the sidelines and let these unruly people stand in the way of our justice and our freedoms and our nation. And that's why God has been giving us these prophetic words.
Let's look at the next part. He says, look what he says again, right here. No matter what they try to do. It's not enough for them to win. Do not sit idly by. He says that again. And do not let them destroy your nation or your freedoms. Shout my words. Stand and resist. Because the giants you see now, soon you will see no more.
And then he mentions this word, he had me look up illusions this morning. The word illusion. He says, do not give in to any illusions. Do not give in to their optics. Do not give in to their power. Do not give in to what anything looks like. They will not stand against me and win. Let's look at the next part.
A storm is upon your enemies, clouding their judgment. And bringing great fear confusion and chaos to them a great darkness is over them and they will have no reprieve From the judgment that is hitting them. So remember what God has been telling us He's been telling us that the more we push them back and the more we resist their attacks the more The desperation was going to grow the more attacks.
They were going to try the darker It would look more confusing. It would more confusion. It would become more confusing. It'll become he talked about the desperation The overwhelming he said to talk about the pressure he talked about with things again Why do you think he said for the last two or three years don't go by things?
And where they appear to be and that's why I even said in yesterday's work You Don't be afraid of what you are about to hear because the first thing yesterday Was what the enemies wanted is they wanted you into fear. Well, there goes our country there goes Nothing nothing to do here. There's nothing we can do That's not true at all.
I want to read you another scripture. He was showing me psalms 37 Let's stay in here for a minute psalms 37 and go to verse 38 psalms 37 in verse 38 as for transgressors They shall be destroyed together in the end. The wicked shall be cut off verse 39, but the salvation of the Consistently righteous is of the Lord.
He is their refuge and secure stronghold in a time of trouble verse 40 and the Lord helps Them and delivers them. He delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they trust and take refuge in him. Nowhere does this say the enemies are gonna sit there. They're gonna laugh and they're gonna get the victory that they want.
I'm gonna read this again. Verse 38. Psalm 37 verse 38. As for transgressors, they shall be destroyed together. They shall be destroyed together that means all of them That means some of them and they're not getting away with what they've done in the end The wicked shall be cut off God says this again because he says it in Psalm 37 verse 9 Psalm 37 verse 9 And verse 9 for evildoers shall be cut off But those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth Verse 10 for yet in a little while the evildoers will be no more though You look and with care where they used to be they will not be found.
That's why God said this is not gonna last long This is where God is saying that the righteous Indian nation, that's why He told us yesterday, the righteous Indian nation should rise up in you, and this is where we should be, how we should war? We worship and resist. W A R, worship and resist. And then what happens when we worship and resist?
The wicked Are restricted. Well, Julie, it looks like yesterday they weren't restricted. Well, guess what? God allowed these things to happen just like he allowed them to do 2020. Why? Because their hands are caught in the cookie jar. They're committing a crime and they will do the time. The right criminals.
God's been talking about this. And he's been also talking about justice is one of the foundations of his throne. God is the God of justice and God rules over all. We learned that too yesterday. Let's read another scripture. How about Psalm? Let's go Psalm 68, Psalm 68, one through five, Psalm 68, one through five.
And it says, God is already beginning to arise. And his enemies be scattered. Let the also who hate him flee before him. Verse 2. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away. As wax melts before fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God. Verse 3. But let the uncompromising and the righteous be glad.
Let them be in high spirits and glory. Before God, yes, let them be jubilantly rejoice. So God is telling us right here, we're supposed to be rejoicing right now. We're not supposed to be hanging our head going, Oh my gosh, the world is ended because of what happened to President Trump yesterday. And God's saying, no, that's not happening at all.
He's saying, don't go by what you see because what you see is not how it appears to be. This is where God's people have to dig in their heels and say, I will walk by faith. I will not walk by sight. I will war in the spirit. I'm going to stand against the enemies of almighty God. I will not give into this tyranny.
I'm going to stand. I'm going to pray for, yes, you pray for president Trump. You pray for his family. You pray for this nation and you pray for your nation because they're not just going after him. They're going after him to get to us. Like he says, President Trump says this all the time. I'm just standing in the way.
And just like they did when they took him down from all social media, they weren't just taking him down. A sitting president, they took him down on all social media platforms. That was just the beginning because then they started taking down you and I. This is where we have to not surrender. This is where we have to sit on the front lines of this country.
And start fighting this good fight of faith. God says we are called. We are called to battle. But we are destined to win it. We are summons to this battle. That's why God said yesterday, don't sit on sidelines. Don't sit idly by and let this happen. You stand up. You worship and resist. And then that's how the enemies are restricted.
The wicked are restricted. So let's keep reading. Let's go. Psalm 68 and then verse five, a father of the fatherless and a judge and a protector of the widows is God and his holy habitation. Verse six, God places a solitary in his family and gives a desolate home in which he to dwell. He leads the prisoners out to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in parsed lands.
They are not going to keep. This land and they're not going to keep the positions that they're in now I want to read something else to you that the lord was giving me this morning go to romans 4 and 17 Romans 4 and 17.
This is where he was showing me last night when I was sitting in bed and I was praying I said lord, what do I do? And what do I say? And he reminded me of romans 17 romans 4 17 and it says in the classic amplified Romans 4 and 17. As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations. He was appointed our father in the sight of God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and speaks of the non existent things that he has foretold and promised as if they already existed.
God, when he speaks, He speaks with faith, and even though it may not look that way, it may not appear that way, he says right here, he has foretold and promised as if they already existed. He was telling Abram, you're going to be a father of many nations. Well, Abram, Sarah was Sarai at the time. He was Abram before he was Abraham, and she was Sarai before she was Sarah.
You can find that in Genesis 16. And you can find out That when God says you're gonna be the father of many nations, well, he wasn't a father. But then, look what happens. So Sarah and I, when Abraham tells Sarah, Hey, God says we're gonna have a child. We're gonna have a son. Well, I'm gonna be a father of many nations.
And she said, well, I'm barren. So she reasoned out the prophecy. I'm barren, so take my, my handmaiden Hagar. And you didn't say, and you didn't hear Abraham or Abram at the time say, get behind me Satan. No, he went with it. He went with it. And then they had Ishmael. Well then if you look, in Genesis 17, look how God appears to Abram.
Now he didn't talk to him for 13 years. 13 years, because what he did is he reasoned it out instead of pressing, first rebuking that report, and then pressing into God and saying, God, what did you mean by this? He believed Sarah more than he believed God. He reasoned it out. Look what happened. Genesis 17, God corrects whom he loves.
This was a correction, and this is where God, for the first time in the Bible, appears to a man as El Shaddai. Genesis 17 and verse 1, When Abram was 99 years old, and the Lord appeared to him and said, I Am Almighty God, which is El Shaddai, walk and live habitually before me, and be perfect, blameless, wholehearted, and complete.
Verse two, and I will make my covenant and solemn pledge between me and you and multiply you exceedingly. What God was saying is look, I Am the God of the impossible. He was, it was a rebuke. He was being, Abraham or Abraham was being corrected. You disobeyed me, you lean to the arm of the flesh, and you receive this shmale.
But I will tell you I'm the God who nothing is impossible. It looks impossible right now in your situation. For Sarah. And he's going to call her Sarah to have a, to bear a son, but she's going to. Now in the natural, that looked ridiculous. It looked impossible. It looked like it was a joke, looked at the opposite.
And that's where he was saying, look, you walk by faith. And now we are descendants of Abraham. So what God said to him was that promise was with Isaac. He changed his name from Abram to Abraham, which is the father of many nations, and then Sarai to Sarah. God was in it, even when it didn't look like it, even though it looked like the opposite was taking place.
It looked like that yesterday, the opposite was taking place, and that's where God said. You call those things as not as though they already existed. We call in that not guilty. We call in completely exonerated. We call in that God's rule and God's verdict is the one that will stand and stand alone and it will not be the enemies.
Let God arise and the enemies be scattered. Let God arise. God is going to arise in the midst of darkness. He's warned us about darkness. He's warned us about confusion. Well, I'm telling you, Sarai and Abram were confused at the time with that prophetic word. That's how a lot of people can be with prophetic words because prophetic words are in part.
But not the whole entire thing, but that's why God even said, Hey, Julie, you practice what you preach. You tell them to go back over the prophetic work. You go back over the prophetic work, and you go back over and read what I actually said. And that's what I did. And then, all of a sudden he gave me this revelation, and then he gave me this new prophetic word I'm going to give to you right now again.
God is encouraging us today. We're not supposed to be discouraged. We're not, we're supposed to be encouraged, not discouraged.
This is where we as children of Almighty God, where it says in God's word that just to walk by faith, or just to live by faith walk by faith and not by sight, you can't trust in what you see. That's why God says don't trust in what you see, but trust in me. We're gonna hear things. We're gonna see things that are going to rattle or try to shake your faith.
They're trying to get you confused, try to get you discouraged. Try to get you overwhelmed to try to bring that pressure upon you guys saying don't don't let these Illusions don't let these things that appear to be real when they're not this will not stand up in a real court of law Even yesterday there was certain people that didn't even like President Trump and said well There was 34 counts of guilty But they still proved no crime.
What was he guilty of? What was the crime? There's no crime. Exactly. You can have a fake verdict. And that's why God said, There will be no guilty verdict. It may look like it. Just like it looked like to Sarah and Abraham. He's telling them they're gonna have a kid. But it looks like they're not going to.
So it looks like it's wrong. Things, they look like they're wrong. But that's the super upon the natural. God's a supernatural God. Now I'm gonna read this prophetic word again that he gave yesterday. Yeah, I just see somebody in the chat say they can't even state a crime. Yeah, they can't because there isn't one.
There isn't a crime. All right, let's go back over the word that God just gave this morning. Or, sorry, keep saying this morning. He gave to me last night. I gave out this morning on this live show earlier.
Okay, here it is. The celebrations against my David won't last long. Now this is what, go read the prophecy and go watch again yesterday. God, again, God was warning us. And he was telling us not to fear about what you were about to hear. And then he was saying, I have allowed these certain things to happen.
Then he also says, my David's going to stand tall. Look what he says. Last night, woe to the enemies of almighty God. You are laughing, thinking you got you what you desired. I will tell you, I will have the last laugh. And I, that, that scripture rose up in me. When he said that, where he sits in the heavens and he laughs because he sees the end and the defeat of the enemies coming.
And that's why we should be laughing. The enemies are laughing because they think they have exactly President Trump where they want him. And he says, that's not it at all. He said it yesterday. I will tell you, I will have the last laugh. Your verdict is a joke and an illusion. It's not real because it's not true.
I will show you whose verdict really counts. After I heard this word, my friend, Angie sent me that prophecy about an illusion. And then this morning I looked up the other ones that God talked about an illusion. Remember how he keeps talking about, we're watching a movie. We're watching a show play out in front of our face.
We can't go by how things appear then he says your verdict is a joke an illusion It's not real because it's not true. It's not even factual. There's no fact because there's no crime It's not true He says I will show you whose verdict really counts remember cuz God even told us yesterday When he was giving us example that he was that God was a judge Jesus is our defending attorney and then Satan is the prosecutor.
He was talking about a court of law yesterday.
Jesus is our defense lawyer. And so what we had to do is we had to be that witness on that stand that speaks the word of God. Of God and agrees with our defense lawyer and agrees with the truth of the written word of God and God is the one that will throw that that gavel down and his verdict will stand true and his one, he will always have the final say, like he said later on in this prophecy, his courts, his court.
Rules over the course of this land. Let's read the next paragraph My son is not guilty and the world will see that is true They will see your kangaroo courts and how they are a joke and how they are nothing against me I Am the judge over all the earth and my courts rule over yours. I have warned you to back off I have warned you to quit but you refuse don't get comfortable celebrating because it won't last that long God is warning them just like Pharaoh.
I'm sure when Pharaoh was sitting there laughing You I'm sure Pharaoh was thinking that he had exactly God's people where he wanted them and he was going to get exactly what he wanted. He's like, get them to stay in Egypt when they didn't stay there at all. God had the last laugh in that situation too.
He said, again, I say, you don't have my David where you want him, but I have you where I want you. I will open the doors wide and show the world a sham of a case this was. And as I show you your place, so God's going to put them in place. Where is their place? Not where they're at. They're supposed to be under our feet.
Guys, as you, you have brought your indictments. You have brought your supposed charges against him. You have proclaimed him guilty. Well, you won't see. Or you will see, you can't get past me. You will see, you can't get past me. So they, they've gotten that verdict. They thought, remember, God keeps saying that we were going to be in shock and awe yesterday was a shock and then we'll have an awe there'll be more shocking things.
I promise you, there'll be more things they're going to try to do to rattle off cages.
Then he says this won't last your joyful laughter and smug actions in front of your cameras Your show is about to end and my children are about to laugh And they will see your you fail and they will see you exposed You will be embarrassed. You'll be put to shame. You'll be tried and convicted They tried they tried and convicted him supposedly again hayman's reward God keeps talking about it.
If you guys don't know Haman, which I know a lot of you guys do because I talk about Haman all the time. Haman, you will find the Book of Esther. Read it. It's an amazing story. I told you you will reap what you have sown. You got what you wanted. You thought. Until you see me and what I'm about to do to your judges, lawyers, and your court system and your government, it will come crashing down and you will scatter before me, you are not in control of my David, his life, his family, his freedom, or this nation.
And you are about to see that as true. And then he brings up Alvin Bragg again, Alvin Bragg judgment is coming for you. I will show the world who you are and who paid you. Your emails will be exposed. Your phone conversations will be heard. You are guilty of treason and it will be your end. You are laughing now, but I will wipe that smile from your face because I will show you your place.
And where you belong. I will show the world you were wrong, say the Lord of Hosts. So right now, they think they got what they wanted, but they didn't. Satan always, pride always becomes before a fall. Remember that. When Satan crucified the Holy One of Israel, which is Jesus Christ, he thought he had him exactly where he wanted him.
They were celebrating. When he had him in hell for three days, they were celebrating. But God. And actually what Satan did against Jesus was his actual ultimate destruction. What they have done with elections, what they have done with these indictments, what they have done with this supposed criminal charges will be their ultimate defeat.
They're laughing now, but God said it won't last long. Then he also talks to Judge Mershon. How do you pronounce his name? I don't really don't care. Judge Mershon or Merchan, whatever his name is. Mershon, you are not a judge at all. I will show the world this was not constitutional. I will also show the world you are not.
Above the law you will not stay in that seat because I Am your defeat
So he's talking to this judge from yesterday He says you're not a judge at all why because a judge a real judge will uphold the law
He did not uphold the law. He twisted and tried to change the law. He was basically telling them The jurors to find something for guilt. They were persuaded first of all, but again, they were showed no crime. They were confused.
This is all going to come out just like 2020. God's not done. He says, my children, I have warned you about these things. You would see, you would hear that would bring fear, but I will show you that your enemy's defeat is here. So do not give up or quit now. Not even when the pressure is building and being poured on you.
When it looks like there is no hope to win. I Am here and that will be clear. These things had to take place for your enemies to fall on their face. So keep standing and keep shouting worship and resist. And the wicked are restricted. Say it, the Lord, your Redeemer. I want to read that again. These things had to take place for your enemies to fall on their face.
Just like Pharaoh thought he had God's people with the Red Sea. He was so prideful and arrogant, and I've said it so many times, but this is what God is revealing again. He was so prideful and he was so arrogant. Thinking that his God, he served of water. I don't remember what Egyptian God that was. He truly thought the water was parted for him and his chariots.
And he walked right into that trap and it was his ultimate defeat. And God's telling us just like I'm sure when the people of Israel were standing right there at that Red Sea before parted, they're like, why are we caught here? God, why are we caught here? We're trapped. It looks like we in this nation are trapped by a tyrannical government who is throwing justice out the window.
Looks like we're surrounded. We're trapped. There's no way out and there's no hope. That's not true at all. The enemies walked in to a trap. It was a setup. We will see it. Be very clear. We don't see it yet. Just like the children of Almighty God, they didn't understand it yet, but you will. Now let's keep reading.
And he says, again, he had me put this in bold. worship and resist. We are in war. We're in a battle. The battle is the Lord's, but what are we doing in battle? What do we do? What's our part in that war? What's our part in that battle? It's W A R worship and resist. That's what we do. And then when we're, we're doing our part and we're standing and we're worshiping and we're resisting and pushing back the enemy, then the wicked are restricted.
This is that part where we stand and we fight. We don't give up. You don't quit, you don't give in, we don't mope around, we don't start complaining, no, this is where we fight tooth and nail, we fight like never before. We push back harder, they push back on us, we push back even harder than they did. There is nothing in their arsenal of weapons.
You know, they're weaponizing our justice system. There's nothing in their arsenal of weapons. God said, no weapon formed against you will prosper. And that's what we have to say against president Trump. It's, it's not going to prosper against him. Now let's keep reading. Then he says, this is after the prophecy.
He gave me more.
Now this trial has ended, put that in quotation marks. So I will show you the Biden, the DOJ, Obama, how they have been involved in it all. Remember the money. I will show you how that passed under the table, under the radar, where I have it all. I have their number and it's about up. So God's going to show you how their money helped pay for that.
Sometimes when the enemies. Are doing something they're caught you want to catch them in the act when they're actually doing the crime not before the crime So they can actually do the time so things again were allowed to happen. That's what God's saying That's what he was telling us yesterday and today This is the last part of it your enemies are about to wish they never convicted my david Because now they will all be exposed and convicted themselves What will happen to them will be far worse.
There is justice in my courts and my justice will stand in this land. Their injustice will fall and you will see it all. Remember, we are one nation under God, not under tyrannical government that's trying to destroy and tear apart our country. And the rule of law and God saying his justice because he's the ultimate judge.
We've seen court case after court case disappoint so many people looking for justice.
Now you will see, remember what God said in that prophetic word yesterday. You will see a two tiered justice system at play because you will see what they just did to President Trump and then you will see Right in front of your eyes what they're going to allow With Hunter Biden,
you're gonna see two tiered justice right in your face. So again, what do we do? The enemy wants us to scourge they want us to quit they want us to whine and give in but we dig in We press in we don't give up. We don't quit because God won't fail yesterday does not change anything God wins But God, why do you think he reminds us of that on a daily basis?
He always wants us to put that's why I loved it when I was at a pastor day's, Event and I saw a bunch of people with but God shirts on why? Because that is a such an amazing statement that not only we have to remind ourselves and then of course God wins You Those aren't jus
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