Tedros Ghebreyesus Updates World on Bird Flu "Outbreak", 12 June 2024

20 days ago

Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), announces to the world that WHO continue to monitor the situation of a "bird flu outbreak" occurring across the globe. Tedros, who is not a doctor, is sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry and their investors such as the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, as well as the Chinese Communist Party.

For a review of the Bird Flu "outbreak" from a public health physician, see this article:

"Humans have always lived in very close proximity with, and eaten, animals that harbor influenza viruses. The last major ‘spillover’ of influenza from birds to humans was the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918-19. It killed perhaps 20 to 40 million people, most probably due to secondary bacterial pneumonia as there were no modern antibiotics. In the century since, an event of this nature has not recurred, and with modern antibiotics and medical care, the mortality of the Spanish flu should now be far lower.

So, why are we seeing the current hysteria regarding bird flu, and why is the media promoting narratives such as potential mortality massively greater than the Spanish flu or any influenza outbreak in human history? The answer, presumably, lies earlier in this article. A very wealthy corporate and financial sector that is influential over governments and media that knows, and has demonstrated, that wealth can be concentrated to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars through fear of a virus."

The question is how to stop the pandemic train as it chugs at increasing speed towards the cliff of human destruction?

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v517law-who-watch-media-briefing-on-global-health-issues-june-12.html

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