Man puts GPS on his recyclables - Here's where it went.

5 days ago

A Del Mar man bought a GPS device, taped it to a plastic bottle and within a few hours, watched its journey to a landfill.

[ -I was told it all goes to the same place when I asked a waste yard worker...10 years ago.
- The problem with plastics recycling is that there are so many different kinds, and the sorting cost is prohibitive in many cases...
Plus, the washing in tumblers of those that ARE to be recycled creates a lot of nanoplastics that wind up in the air and water.
I refused to buy Gulden's Mustard when they introduced their first plastic container.
Now everything is in plastic it seems.
One gallon glass jugs now fetch a premium. ]

source :
'CBS 8 is Working For You to find out where our recyclables actually end up.'
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