Keir Starmer has just given a masterclass in how to lose votes fast.

8 months ago

Right, so if Labour had a plant working at Tory HQ, they should run for party leader next, given they’re clearly competent at something, because Sunak’s manifesto launch has tanked from the get-go. Before you even consider what it contained, deciding to launch it at Silverstone race course invited the prospect of another self inflicted car crash and with Brad Pitt apparently filming nearby, Sunak kept putting movie references in everywhere he could, ‘the one thing about tax rises is you don’t talk about tax rises’ possibly not the winning soundbite he thinks it is.
But following the launch, Keir Starmer was asked for his view, not that he was ever going to praise it, but what he actually said has got people absolutely raging across social media, will almost certainly lose him more votes and actually had nothing to do with Sunak at all.
Right, so Rishi Sunak’s election manifesto launch absolutely bombed and the fact the manifesto logo, reading ‘clear plan, bold action, secure future’ looked like three missiles taking to the air didn’t help alleviate that imagery either.
There is no bold plan, just more cuts and being levied most heavily on the backs of the disabled, welfare set to take an absolute hammering so he can pay for the tax cuts he’s been forced to shoehorn in, desperate for a positive line. 2 pence off National Insurance, tax breaks for the Tory base of pensioners and garbage about seizing the benefits of Brexit, when there have been none, it’s been a total cack-handed disaster that has driven the cost of living upwards far more than any other factor we’ve faced in the last several years, which have included and energy crisis driven by privatisation more than Putin, and a literal pandemic.
The attack on welfare to pay for this bothers me more than anything else and not just because I’m an unpaid carer and know a thing or two about social security and living on it, but because for all of Sunak’s projection about securing the future, this doesn’t do that.
You might sneer at social security, you might be taken in by arguments of a something for nothing culture, or you might sympathise and see through that rhetoric, but any of us could fall seriously ill in our lifetimes, any of us could be in an accident leaving us with life changing injuries and you hope in a properly civilised society, that safety net is there for you. A secure future is therefore when you look at it this way, absolutely not what Sunak is proposing here, its been a last minute rush job to cobble together something, anything to try and save him from overseeing what is potentially an extinction level event for the Tories and this frankly isn’t it.
We know they are done, we know they are finished and when it was put to Keir Starmer to comment on this, he did of course relish the opportunity, but might have done so, a little too much and in line with that viewpoint, have a watch of this little montage I’ve put together and see how Starmer might have just gone too far in his gloating and actually done himself no favours, when he was gifted this open goal by Sunak:
Keir Starmer isn’t just a liar, he’s a grinning idiot with it. There is dishonesty laid bare, the manifesto’s of 2017 and 2019 that he campaigned on, that he said he was committed to, he’s now directly compared to the Tories weak and rushed offering to the country. They can turn around now and point to that and say to people how can you trust a man who is comparing our manifesto to the two Corbyn manifesto’s in order to trash it, when he actively campaigned for those policies. I know Boris Johnson wasn’t all that long ago, but is Starmer not clearly the most duplicitous lying snake going in recent politics? I genuinely cannot remember a guy so brazen in his dishonesty when surely to God he must know his every word in this era of social media is captured and there to remind him with, or does he really think the country are so stupid as to not remember, not notice the reminders or not care, thinking it’s a done deal and he’s going to be the next PM?
The manifesto’s he’s referring to now as being uncosted and that anything can go in it he once referred to as the blueprint, as the foundational document of his Labour Party as he took it forward. Now he’s putting as much distance as he can between him and it, because now his true Tory colours are being exposed. The uncosted bit is especially heinous, because that is just an out and out lie. Alongside both manifesto’s what was called a grey book was produced by then shadow chancellor John McDonnell which costed everything, showed where money was going to be raised from, taxes being raised on the rich, spending which would return investments, investing in ordinary people who spend in the economy and strengthen it, making it grow, making money work for us and not disappearing offshore where it does nothing to drive the economy at all, but is lost from it instead.
What those Corbyn manifestos contained are policies that not only remain massively popular, but were also things Starmer once promised himself, only to tear them up later, the man standing for nothing except what he thinks will win him votes from one moment to the next, a dangerous charlatan who believes in nothing except power for the sake of it.
If these policies were uncosted, if they were promises of things that could not be delivered, then why did he campaign for it? Not only has he left himself wide open to Tory ridicule and attack, which can and will no doubt be used to take the heat off of them, but will also drive off many more would be Labour voters, who will feel horrified and insulted at this two faced, grinning example of imbecilic enthusiasms, just dreaming about the curtains he plans to put up in Number 10. People will rightfully also be asking themselves, was he lying back then or lying now, because he’s clearly lying to them somewhere and why would you want to vote for someone who has or is demonstrably lying to you?
If the Tories were actually planning a Corbyn style manifesto, they’d actually be the ones worth voting for in which case, but of course they aren’t that is ridiculous. It is just a measure of Starmer’s pure nastiness and the very obvious fact that there is no more than a rizla paper between Starmer’s Labour and the Tories that both now see attacking Corbyn as electorally advantageous. It isn’t, it just shows they are both one as bad as each other. If you want change, don’t vote for either of them.
Meanwhile, as if Starmer wasn’t rancid enough to get on your last nerve today, you’ll love to hear all about the right wing, pro Israel former chair of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, another longtime Corbyn basher, having now joined Labour, absolutely loving what Starmer is doing to it, it seems and definitely of a view that Israel support is not going to end with him in charge, as if that’s something we didn’t know already. You can find out all about that story in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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