Is Hormesis a Flawed & Fraudulent Concept? with Jay Feldman | Rejuvenate Podcast Ep. 66

1 month ago

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Jay Feldman

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00:00:00 RP Jay Feldman 2
00:02:43 Hormesis is a foundational idea behind induced health
00:07:12 What is hormesis and where did this concept come from
00:13:04 Examples of hormesis
00:14:22 Exercise - if we go too far, we no longer get the benefit
00:20:19 Does a lack of movement also create stress in the body
00:23:29 Benefits of low intensity movement/ build muscle/ lose weight how to maximize gains and minimize the stress
00:28:04 How much muscle fatigue do we need to gain muscle
00:30:05 Is Anaerobic exercise hormetic
00:32:46 Is doing several hours of aerobic exercise beneficial
00:36:43 How important is your attitude towards what you are doing (forcing movement vs enjoying the process)
00:41:39 Sunlight/ Sunexposure as a hormetic stressor
00:44:55 Bluelight/ cortisol stimulus - backward hormetic thinking
00:47:00 Does a lack of morning cortisol contribute to hypothyroidism
00:53:20 Coffee - when it’s good and when it’s not
00:58:07 Iron - is it hormetic, where is the line of when something is and when it’s not considered hormetic
01:07:07 Hot and Cold exposure (stress is universal and cumulative)
01:10:11 There are two major aspects to stress (this idea that we have a lack of signalling is missing the point)
01:15:25 The specific effects of hot and cold exposure
01:17:20 Endorphins & endocannabinoids - we produce these because of extreme stress
01:20:44 Is meditation stressful/ serotonin is not the happy hormone/ hyperventilation and CO2
01:29:17 We have been duped into the idea that hardship/stress has to be a part of life
01:37:23 The hormetic effects of heat
01:40:18 Pituitary hormones - should these be stimulated/raised (growth hormone)
01:48:30 Where to find Jay

The Rejuvenate podcast is dedicated to looking at the real root causes of premature aging, and what we can do to 'turn back the clock' and feel younger and healthier again.
Each episode will focus on a different area of health.

To begin with, episodes will be quite broad and just an overview of a big subject, then later the plan is to go more in depth, both with our hosts, and also guests, on more specific issues and give a comprehensive plan for each.


This channel does not contain medical advice. I am NOT a doctor. The contents of this channel, such as videos, text, graphics, images and other material are intended for entertainment, informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. The contents of this channel are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Consult your physician for medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard in a video. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. A qualified physician should make a decision on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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