Food Security Includes The Sea - UK Column News

21 days ago

Food Security Includes The Sea
Full news and all the source links:
- Government of Iceland: License Issued for the Hunting of Fin Whales
- European Union: European Commission: International Whaling
- The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (2021): Europe's largest military exercise underway in Scotland
- Forces Network (2020): Whales Begin To Be Herded Back To Sea Ahead Of Exercise Joint Warrior 
- GOV.UK: UK fishing opportunities worth over £970 million secured for 2024 
- The Fishing Daily: Sad news as Plymouth Trawler Agents Announce Cessation of Trading
- GOV.UK: Extended Fisheries and Seafood Scheme closes for 2024
- BBC: UK weather: why has it been so cold and when will it get warmer?
- Ned Substack: The 'Only' Democracy In The Middle East

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