ANNOUNCEMENT: The Lord has me on a sabbatical

8 months ago

My website: Welcome to my channel, my name is Jean Hosking, I am a prophet of the Lord, I am just a vessel to deliver prophetic words from the Lord directed by the Holy Spirit, this channel was created to equip, inform, forewarn, foretell and give knowledge to the saints of the Highest, ALL praise and glory goes to Almighty God,
Hello, fellow brothers and sisters, blessings, this is just a quick announcement that the Lord has asked me to take a sabbatical to spend time with HIM with no distractions to go to a deeper level of consecration with HIM. This will be REST in HIM period of time to receive from HIM strategies, blueprints and anything else in HIS WORD that HE wants to reveal to me. We have entered into the NEW, which means new everything!! We need to be prepared and equipped for the supernatural events that will be taking place in the earth. I am going to miss you all, but this is not good bye, I will be back as soon as HE says. We must be obedient to the Lord, it's better than sacrifice! 1 Samuel 15:22. God Bless everyone!

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