Worldwide antisemitism, hate against the Jews, their religion and State.

6 months ago

Worldwide antisemitism, hate against the Jews, their religion and State.
It is similar to the antisemitism in Nazi Germany, Russia till 1917 and East Europe till 1945.

By the Way : I totally disagree with the FAKE narrative about some theoretical "Khazarian Jews" that were in north east Europe and allegedly became the Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazi Jews came out of the Jews that fled Spain 500 years BEFORE the Inquisition. They fled Spain then France then the Netherlands and finally arrived into northern east Europe. It is possible that some "Khazarian Jews" connected themselves with the greater bunch of Jews that run away from Spain and France in those years. If the Rothschild became the wealthiest family in the world, that isn't connected with the millions of poor Jews that had always to struggle with life in order to make a living. According to my knowledge the Illuminati were FOUNDED BY THE JESUITS... The Jesuits were founded in 1534 with the aim of controlling ALL the governments in the world. The fake antisemitic propaganda told by the majority of commentators in the Awakening Movement is one of the reasons why the PEOPLE of the world still believe in Mainstream Media and run away from our Alternative Media. Including the hate against the State of Israel with his 50% of world Jewish population.
Alberto Levy (I am the owner of this channel named - albilevi)

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