: BILL: GATES'-Mosquito-Swarm; ~FLORIDA.

6 months ago

"We, and all beings in nature, are constantly under attack by the most evil trillionaires.

Bill Gates releases a swarm of his genetically modified mosquitoes from hell in Florida.

You can be sure they are carrying some horrifically engineered parasites or even the deadIy va<<ine (since viruses do not exist and have never been isolated, ever).

He invests in the new mRNA malaria va<< ine, so it could just be the malaria parasite on speed, as even that parasite has been created in a lab to make people sick and the mosquitoes were infected with the parasites in a lab, years ago. Probably by the oligarchs before Bill's time. His dad, who even wrote a book about ending billions of lives, perhaps. Look into him. He was working hard on depop with all sorts of evil ways. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

No weapons against innocents who believe, shall prosper, and those who do evil, will pay for their evil deeds. It is written.


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