See My Warning: Declassified CIA Document REVEALS YOU ARE GOD. The Gateway Process UNCOVERED

10 days ago

See My Warning: Declassified CIA Document REVEALS YOU ARE GOD. The Gateway Process UNCOVERED
Lol. This guy looks like Elrick of Melnabone
Attention: I have posted videos here on Robert Monroe, The Gateway Process (Out of Body Travel) and this Declassified CIA Document.
This guy however is quite a piece of work.
I am posting this more as a matter of amusement than anything else.
And as a heads up on such Slick self proclaimed Spiritual Leaders. He actually seems far more competent than most other Fake YouTube Dubious Spiritual Teachers. Of course I have not read his book, which would be the real evaluation.
And the high viewership of this video is a matter of concern on how many people he may be leading astray.
He could probably make some damn good videos if he stick to the subject and didn't try to RECRUIT YOU to his Cult.
785,270 views Premiered Mar 4, 2023
See at bottom for video description
Lol. This is how "MORGUE" popped on my radar. I was searching videos on the All Seeing Eye. It started out well until I realized, This SOB is trying to push his Religious Cult on us...
Masonic Book Reveals SECRET of the All Seeing Eye...
Lol. If this guy has his Own Path. Why is he studying Christian Gnostic Apocryphal Texts?
The ARCHON'S SECRET Plan for CONTROLLING Humanity (It's Happening NOW)
I am quite possibly more interested in such subjects because I have studied Comparative Religion throughout the coarse of my life. And if the Government or Criminals Lie (Is there really a difference) that is bad enough. But Lying about God, Religion or Spirituality for personal gain is the Most Despicable of all...
(At least I have not heard him call himself a Master. But how can you have a New Spiritual Path Without a Master?)
So this guy goes by the name Morgue. Lol??? WTF???
And he has his very own Spiritual Path. So his system is apparently based upon Secret Teachings Provided by Secret Societies and was given to Morgue as the Guardian of this teaching that will usher in a New Earth.
Yeah. His beliefs are a synthesis of things that can be found in many other Religious/Spiritual Traditions, but somehow his teachings are Super Special and the only True One.
Lol. Yes. And the Teachings combine working with both the Dark and the Light. And somehow a correct understanding of Scientific Theories can help to rise up to Spiritual Enlightenment.
Yeah. No. How the hell is studying Jewish Physics going to Leed to anything but CONFUSION?
But the Best thing of all is that YOU ARE GOD.
Lol. I found this guy by chance looking up videos on the All Seeing Eye.
Lol. I was COMPELLED to see what his HYPERIONISM was all about.
This guy is pretty Slick. And good writer and very well spoken.
But since his path is so focused on SCIENCE, I thought it quite unbecoming to be making scientific claims that are simply Not True.
See videos referenced:
Oops. I forgot to post the video I was making reference to. Here it is:
Your Body is an Illusion - Hyperianism
Here is another one of his slick salesmenship for his CULT:
What is Hyperianism? - Hyperianism
Lol. Not even You Are As God, but You Are God. Sounds pretty Luciferian to me...
Frequency is a Number. Color is a Number...
No Morgue.
Everything that exists is ENERGY.
Everything that Exists has it own Resonant Frequency.
And though Mathematics and Numbers can be used to Describe or Represent it. Numbers are merely a Man Made System that QUANTIFY or Define that Energy.
The Numbers are Not the Thing Itself.
Though the a System using a numeric range to quantify Wavelengths of Light within that range of visible light,
The NUMBER is Not Red
Nor is the number of the Resonant Frequency of someone or something that person or thing. Not even the Frequency itself is That Thing. It is merely a Numeric Representation of the Frequency of that person or thing.
Lol. You might think that I am making a big deal about such a slight mistake is his theory. But no. Especially when your entire theory is based upon a scientific foundation. Such a mistake is UNFORGIVABLE when held to a high standard of Scientific and Spiritual understanding. And ultimately indicates a misunderstanding from both perspectives.
But above all else. Anyone with their own New Religion or Spiritual Path should be regarded with the utmost mistrust.
Especially when they say that only THEY ARE RIGHT.
The fact that he covers interesting subjects worthy of investigation just to push his OWN THEORIES is rather, how would you say. Oh SLEAZY. Yeah, that's it.
And it is quite amusing he is so impressed by this Declassified CIA Document. Lol. Personally I got from Robert Monroe from reading his book when I was 18 years old.
A declassified CIA document from the 1980s has been uncovered, and it reveals a mind-bending truth: the world is an illusion created by your own mind, that there are alternate dimensions waiting for you to access them and ultimately, this information shows you are god. Sound crazy?
I’ve devoted my life to studying consciousness and hidden information and this is one of the most incredible declassified documents I’ve ever encountered. The shocking information within reveals a method for accessing other realties and a way to tap into the power of your own consciousness to transcend the limitations of time and space. This is not science fiction, this is a real document, and the secrets it holds are waiting for you to uncover them.
The document begins by revealing the incredible fact that reality is an illusion constructed by your brain and the senses. It explains that the brain is capable of constructing a 'virtual reality' through the process of perception, taking raw sensory data and organizing it into a coherent picture of the world.
Think of the brain like a computer that processes programming code to construct a video game world. The document explains the brain operates in a similar way but that this process can be transcended, or “hacked”, allowing you to have out of body experiences and tap into dimensions beyond space and time.
I’ll be revealing exactly what this document says about how to do so and by the end of this video you’ll have uncovered a what’s described as a powerful method for breaking out of the confines of your body and the physical world and learned the ultimate truth about yourself and all existence. ..
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