Warren Buffett reveals his investment strategy for mastering the market

8 months ago

Warren Buffett is the godfather of modern-day investing. For nearly 50 years, Buffett has run Berkshire Hathaway, which owns over 60 companies, like Geico and Dairy Queen, plus minority stakes in Apple, Coca-Cola, and many others. His $82.5 billion fortune makes him the third richest person in the world. And he's vowed to give nearly all of it away. The Oracle of Omaha is here to talk about what shaped his investment strategy and how to master today's market.

I'm Andy Serwer. Welcome to a special edition of "Influencers" from Omaha, Nebraska. It's my pleasure to welcome Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Warren, welcome.

WARREN BUFFETT: Thanks for coming.

ANDY SERWER: So let's start off and talk about the economy a little bit. And obviously, we've been on a good long run here.

WARREN BUFFETT: A very long run.

ANDY SERWER: And does that surprise you? And what would be the signs that you would look for to see that things were winding down?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, I look at a lot of figures just in connection with our businesses. I like to get numbers. So I'm getting reports in weekly in some businesses, but that doesn't tell me what the economy's going to six months from now or three months from now. It tells me what's going on now with our businesses. And it really doesn't make any difference in what I do today in terms of buying stocks or buying businesses what those numbers tell me. They're interesting, but they're not guides to me.

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