Dustin Stockton on Patrick Henningsen Show - 11 June 2024

26 days ago

GUEST OVERVIEW: Dustin Stockton is the co-founder and chairman of AMERICA MISSION, a grassroots movement whose mission "encompasses investigating and exposing all individuals who are complicit in the attempt to destroy our freedom." For more than a decade Dustin, along with his partner Jennifer Lawrence, has been active in movement politics including playing a leading role during the Tea Party, at Breitbart News under Steve Bannon in the lead up to President Trump’s election in 2016, co-founding WEBUILDTHEWALL, and as lead organizer of the March For Trump DC events and national bus tours protesting Joe Biden’s installation in 2020. Dustin is also the founder of the cryptocurrency token $CBDC, a poker/sports enthusiast and proud father. https://substack.com/@americamission
https://twitter.com/DustinStockton https://americamission.com/

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