ABC’s Rachel Scott: Hunter Verdict ‘Flies in the Face’ of Everything that Trump ‘Has Been Pushing, Trying to Undermine the Legal and the Justice System’

3 months ago

MUIR: “... get right over to Rachel Scott, she’s live at the White House. Rachel, folks are going to be watching very closely any kind of reaction from the White House, the Biden Administration, and of course, President Biden himself. And obviously, Rachel, these cases are vastly different to the case we witnessed a couple of weeks back with the former President Donald Trump, his guilty verdict. Now, today, President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, with a guilty verdict, in this case — again, case’s completely different, but one thing politically, people will be looking at is the reaction. We know, after the Trump verdict, a lot of rhetoric about a rigged system, you know, up against the former president. Those are the words being used by the campaign, the former president himself. And just a couple of days ago, on the other hand, former — the current President President Biden telling me in Normandy that he would respect the outcome, and that yes, he had ruled out a pardon. Now, whether or not that continues moving forward after this verdict, he is a Hunter Biden’s father as we all know, but will they continue to try to paint a real contrast here, when it comes to respect for the justice system as a whole?”
Scott: “Mm-hmm. And David, this verdict certainly flies in the face of everything that the former president has been pushing, trying to undermine the legal and the justice system. And we know President Biden has come out very strongly against that. And it was notable that he told you just days ago that he would respect the outcome of this verdict regardless of what happens. We know that is something that the former president has not done after he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and that hush money trial there in Manhattan. We know he has tried to undermine the justice system entirely. the White House so far, David, as of now has not commented, but we know that they are watching this and following it very closely. Just that image of the First Lady walking out of that courtroom hand in hand with Hunter Biden just underscores how close this family is. And the president has not really commented much on this federal investigation, he says that he would not do that, but he did make clear to you that he has completely ruled out the possibility of pardoning his son. In a statement the White House and the President have said that they have boundless support and love for their son Hunter Biden. We know that the president has talked about how he’s been on the straight and narrow, how he’s so proud of his son Hunter, and just the First Lady making — really going through extraordinary efforts to be there, to show support for Hunter Biden, we know that she traveled to France only to turn right back around to attend the trial the day that Naomi Biden, the granddaughter, was testifying in this case and then flew right back to Paris. But so far, David, as of now, the president is here at the White House, but no word yet from the president yet.”
MUIR: “Rachel Scott live at the White House. Rachel, thank you.”

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