The Adam and Eve Story: Cold War SECRETS or URGENT WARNING?

8 months ago

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As the recent fears of a nuclear holocaust being fostered by the elite class in Washington continue to serve as the backdrop for an election just a few months away, it's hard not to look back at the Cold War of the 1960's. With the mainstream media continually shaping the talking points around things like Russia, the CIA, and
even climate change it seems as if the collective conscious has kicked into survival mode by once again calling everything into question. Freedom of Information Act requests have uncovered a previously classified book by Chan Thomas from this era titled: 'The Adam and Eve Story: A History of Cataclysms' which proposed alternative explanations for things concerning the origin of humankind and even UFO's. While many consider the book to be nothing more than conspiracy theory misinformation it could be a warning, and the wake up call, that is needed at this very moment in history.
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Partial Transcript:
Chauncey Powers Thomas, better known to the public as Chan Thomas, published a book in 1965 titled, "The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms". An engineer contracted by the U.S. Air Force in the 1960's to study UFO phenomena, Chan had close ties to both the CIA and Russia. In the book, Chan claims
that major cataclysms involving magnetic pole shifts, mud floods, a new ice age, and extraterrestrials happen every five to seven thousand years and that Adam and Eve of the Holy Bible were actually survivors of one of these cataclysms. While the book itself has been the subject of intense scrutiny over the years many of these aftermath events described line up with nuclear fallout. Major flood epics are found in nearly every religion around the world which, as Chan points out, can be caused by tectonic plate shifts in the Earth's crust. The Adam and Eve Story as written by Thomas describes the human understanding of disasters throughout history as essentially being the origin stories of lost civilizations and attempts to tie them together using a unified language theory. While this book was not an official CIA document, it was censored by the CIA with only a sanitized and redacted
version made available to the public up until 2013. Curiously there are actually two first editions of the book from the original in 1965 and later in 1993, with the former being much shorter than the 93' version which only came to light after a (FOIA) Freedom of Information Act request in 2019. This book, or at least the ideas contained in the book, are relevant today for several reasons. The first being that the story (as told by Chan) was published at the height of the Cold War, a time when fears of a nuclear war were at all-time highs. The public fascination with aliens began only after the first nuclear blast leading some to believe that E.T.'s had or gave us access to this and other technology. Several U.S. Presidents have at least acknowledged the existence of aliens and most recently with Donald Trump and the creation of Space Force furthering this notion. Of course, we'd have no credible institutions backing up the claims made in the book with a CIA whose job it is to rewrite documented history. Now, this isn't to say the claims made in Chan Thomas' book are true or even accurate but in fact, could actually be intentionally false. With the United States on the brink of World War 3 under the Biden Administration, deep rooted fears of Climate Change by the political left and exacerbated by media propaganda, and the constant undermining of simpler values that have kept the Nation together through times of distress, perhaps Chan's extremely rare and difficult to find book serves as a codex of sorts to warn us about censorship through
language, the harmful effects of seeking your truth versus the Truth, and the fragile nature of our human existence in the hands of an elite hell bent on nuclear destruction.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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