people like dr fauci dr faulty are responsible for alot of deaths this is not a vaccine in a traditional sense

7 months ago

please stop believing in the lies these shitty people tell you :: to be learned & teachable in these evil times of covid is essential ::::
along with knowing whom the covid fraudsters are :: positive information you need to see hear and witness to be ready to make changes that effect your past present and future
Warning: The content described in this article is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised. My videos are for education purposes only. Im not a medical professional I don’t give medical advice please consult your doctor when you have medical issues arise.
Pcr is a test is a lab technique to multiply DNA from a small portion of dna to make a lot more of the same dna ::: the perpetrators of the covid fraud want ALL of humanity dead:: be told :: begin to form communities that are outside the system of control.
shane w ford
shouts out to ALL whom appear in this video::
WORLDWIDE The DOD’s, military mandates, govt mandates were ALL illegal, & destroyed the health of soldiers, also civilians WORLDWIDE and made the militaries weaker.
shane w ford im here to detail worldwide “vaccine” Jab injury the BS narrative has caused
and their lives will never be the same because of Big Pharma. Phuck pharma
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