1875 Eyeglass frames? (Part 1)

7 months ago

(Sorry, I accidentally hit the finish button before I was finished with the video. See part 2 to finish up!)
Just got the question: "What eyeglass frame would one wear to reenact 1875?"
Well, there was a major change in styles at about that time, so here are some styles from a couple decades before and after 1870. Yes, we can put your prescription into frames like these! To see lots more styles, please visit our Facebook page: facebook.com/Spectacle.Emporium and click PHOTOS, then click "see more" (see more FOLDERS.) There will be sample frames there from all eras back to the Revolution, for your enjoyment. You can message me a link to a picture of a frame style you're interested in and we can talk! (307)745-3682
We are also on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Rumble.com. Happy trails to you, pard!

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