417: Jordan Peterson wrestles with God

6 months ago

P&C drink and review a dark lager from Guilford brewing, then recount their recent journey to Reading PA to hear Jordan Peterson on his "We who struggle with God" tour. Longinus was unable to attend, but contributes to the conversation.

Jordan Peterson is famous for being cagey about his religious beliefs, but recently he's been a little more straight forward, and almost evangelical. P&C expected Dr. Peterson to make his case for the existence of God.

They enjoyed the talk, but it wasn't what they expected.

The show started with some live music, then an intro by Dr. John Vervake, who is somewhat of a fellow traveler with Peterson.

Dr. Peterson adopted the theme of sacrifice for the evening's talk, and told stories about sacrifice: Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel.

It was all good stuff, and classic Peterson, but he didn't set out what P&C expected, which was to give an argument for the necessity of God.

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