全球精英向「危險的反疫苗者」宣戰,他們「必須被剝奪人權」 Global Elite Declares War on 'Dangerous Anti-Vaxxers' Who ‘Must Be Stripped of Human Rights’

9 months ago



Global Elite Declares War on 'Dangerous Anti-Vaxxers' Who ‘Must Be Stripped of Human Rights’


全球精英已向所謂的「反疫苗者」公開宣戰,他們認為必須「剝奪這些人的人權」,這是自 2021 年推出 mRNA 以來,他們進行醫學種族滅絕運動最令人不安的升級。

據世界衛生組織內部人士稱,所謂的「反疫苗者」正在威脅 2030 年議程和精英對人類未來的願景,其中包括強制性「大規模疫苗接種」。



The globalist elite have declared open war on so-called “anti-vaxxers” who they argue must be “stripped of human rights” in the most disturbing escalation of their campaign for medical genocide since the mRNA roll out in 2021.

According to World Health Organization insiders, so-called “anti-vaxxers” are threatening Agenda 2030 and the elites’ vision of the future for humanity which involves mandatory “mass vaccination.”

Anyone who continues to defy the elite will have their basic human rights stripped under the new Pandemic Treaty which the WHO are currently boasting is only months away from passing.

We are living in critical times and the information in this broadcast is vital to understand the endgame of the elites and their technocratic plan to dehumanize the human race.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v4ztazu-global-elite-declares-war-ondangerous-anti-vaxxers-who-must-be-stripped-of-.html

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