“Remain focused on Jesus” - An interview with Clay Clark

9 months ago

Clay Clark has won USA Small business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year.

He is a business owner, consultant, speaker and author (“The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening” and “The Homo Deuce: The Godless Globalists Great Reset Plan exposed in their own words”)

He is the founder of Thrive15.com, an online educational site for entrepreneurs and the founder, organiser and host of the Re Awaken America Tour with General Michael Flynn.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- Clay tells us what the Reawaken America tour is all about and why he started it.

He found that the models for how many Americans would die from Covid was false and the PCR test could be easily manipulated to inflate cases. He discovered that Covid was treatable using hydroxychloroquine. He discovered that Klaus Schwab had written a book called the Great Reset. So, when he looked at the facts, it became clear that the Great Reset was being implemented, and he felt a strong desire to speak out against it, and that’s why he started Reawaken America.

- For the Reawaken Tour, Clay lets people name their price for their entry ticket, to make it affordable for everyone. It has generated a net loss of 1.3 million dollars. It is about saving lives, and saving America.

- We asked Clay what are the biggest issues at the moment. He refers to the Bible, Revelation Chapter 16, verses 12 – 14. He says you can’t argue that the words in those verses are not happening right now. Eg. Last week at the Bank of International Settlements Annual Summit Conference, Yuval Noah Harari, gathered with Agustin Carstens, the Head of the Bank of International Settlements. They discussed how we need to move to a new financial system that will be controlled by AI (artificial intelligence). Harari is calling humans hackable animals. He stated that Covid is the moment that surveillance started going under the skin. He is calling for the bible to be rewritten using AI. Clay is saying the convergence of these activities was prophesied in the book of Revelation.

- Clay points out that Yuval Noah Harari is now the world’s bestselling author, he has sold 47 million copies of his books, and he is praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, MIT, Harvard.

- Clay recommends everyone read Mark Chapter 13, Luke Chapter 21 and Matthew Chapter 24 where Jesus told his disciples all the things that need to happen before his return. See if that aligns to what is happening right now.

- We discuss how aggressive the lockdowns were in Australia. The weaponization of the idea of freedom.

- Clay discusses the brand new CDC dashboard for bird flu . It tracks wastewater. He recommends everyone search that up in google. What are the ramifications. Will they be recommending quarantine based on your wastewater.

- Joe Biden was a keynote speak at the WEF in 2016 where he spoke about implementing the fourth industrial revolution.

- We ask Clay who he thinks might be the Vice President to Donald Trump. He suggests, in his opinion, it could be Ben Carson, or Mark Robinson (current Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina) or General Michael Flynn.

- The former head of security and strategy for Dominion, Eric Coomer, did 13 social media posts that are concerning (while he held that position at Dominion). He also has 12 patents connected to election integrity. (see References below). Clay is being sued for defamation for pointing out these facts and others.

- A lot of people Clay knows are on ozempic, the weight loss drug. This drug is created in Europe, but banned in Europe. It has side effects, including suicidal ideation. And then their doctors have prescribed mind altering drugs for the suicidal ideation. Revelation chapter 18 verse 22-23 says

“for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived”. Sorcery is (pharmakeia). He says that’s what he is seeing, this pharmaceutical industrial complex. He also commented that when he asked his local doctor what percentage of his patients are on mind altering drugs, the answer was “well over half”.

- We discuss Hunter and Joe Biden. Clay points out that most Americans feel bad for both of them. No demand for justice. It’s called secular humanism, where feelings are the ultimate authority. The book, Rules for Radicals, (quoted by Hilary Clinton and Obama) taught the world how to do this.

- You can watch the free documentary, shot 3 years ago, about the reawaken tour on www.timetofreeamerica.com. (link in the reference section)

There is a Reawaken America event on June 7/8 in Michigan.

Books and Websites referenced in the Interview;

- The Thrive15 business school.


- Time to Free America website. (conferences, documentaries, shop, download ebooks or audio books).


- The Reawakening Documentary


- Book: “Rules For Radicals: A practical primer for realistic radicals”, Saul Alinsky, (first edition was 1971)


- Book: “The Homo Deuce: The Godless Globalists Great Reset Plan exposed in their own words”, Clay Clark, 2022.




- Book: “The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening”, Clay Clark, 2022



- Patents by Inventor, Eric Coomer.

- Thrivetime Show: Eric Coomer crashed his vehicle into a building. What did he post on Social media?


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