THERE IS A DEEPER CHRIST LIKE LIFE | The Old Time Christians | Had A Mystical Way

2 months ago

I would like you to comprehend.
It would be good if you were cognizant.
The old time Christians had a secret light, within their souls.
Not all, not all, not all, but a few.

There is a remnant in every generation, among every Christian group.
They could shout and sing when the burdens grew greater.

He Giveth More Grace
He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater;
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction He addeth His mercy;
To multiplied trials, He multiplied peace.

His love has no limit; His grace has no measure.
His pow'r has no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!

He Giveth More Grace

Matthew 16:24-26 esp. V25

Mark 12:28-34 esp. V34

Each one of that remnant had to have asked God to look them over.
A truly wonderful beautiful and terrifying experience.

God the Father is a gentleman, he needs your permission to look for instability within you.

It is in the allowing God to inspect us that every petitioner deigned difficult to do.

Let God point out areas in your life where you would cut corners, weak areas where you may give in to temptation.
Surrender that dark area, as difficult as it maybe.
Then let Jesus deal with it.

One fellow wrote, to complain to God, In his recounting-while God was heating up the small amount of gold, which is metaphorically the pure gold of his soul.

It wouldn’t be a real test, if he wasn’t in a real crucible of life.
A real hot spot in his life.

You’re accused of? Whatever you’ve been accused of, I have been accused of in a Christian Corporation.

As the man of God was praying; God scraped off all of the dross and dirt out of his life. His complaint. “I was sure, I was going to be all dross.”

Kinda like what President Trump is going through right now. I hope you pray for him at least once a day. *(Interview below)

Know thyself" (Greek:Γνῶθι σαυτόν,gnōthi sauton) is a philosophical maxim which was inscribed upon the Temple of Apollo in the ancient Greek precinct of Delphi.

To know yourself is literally in finding out who you are, your weaknesses and your strengths.

To know yourself; is to know how you really look in a world of reptiles and demons.•.•.•.And why did you went to go there; anyway?

To know yourself; is to know God and your relationship with God.

Psalm 46:10
Be Still

The old time Christians were free, they gave to others, of what God had given to them so bountifully.

They knew who they were. They knew of their relationship with God.
They lived without fear!
They were living by faith that God would take care of them; in life and or in death.

Why? They were living by faith. The people did what they could to take care of themselves, physically, morally, spiritually; then left the rest up to God to carry them through.

Hebrews 11
Heroes Of The Faith

*The Interview of President Trump
By Dr Phil
Evil Forces At Play
In this candid interview, President Trump reveals to what extent, and how evil is the darkness that has descended on him and on our nation.

When the redeemed were alone or in the congregation they allowed God to plumb the depths of their being.

They knew God still loved them, even after seeing and cleansing the worst part of them.

Know Thy Self was real to them, even though the early Christians would not have used that language.
They would have couched it Biblical language.

This Is Like Heaven To Me
1 We find many people who can’t understand
Why we are so happy and free.
We’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.

Refrain 1-3:
Oh, this is like Heaven to me,
Yes, this is like Heaven to me;
I’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.
Living By Faith
They treated others as they wished others would have treated them in similar circumstances.

They shared their faith in God and encouraged others to throw their lot in with God’s people.

They looked odd, by the WORLD’S Standards.
They were a plain looking people.
They showed more clothing than skin.

God’s people believed that even a bent nail could be straightened; to be made usable in building God’s Kingdom.

Why? Because each one knew, from experience, they too had been that bent nail.
In most of those gathered there;
Most would admit to having lived in a bent nail condition, before they themselves had to be straightened-out in God’s discipline.
Wife and I went through the discipline-the straightening. It had to be that way.

They sang with abandon. They shouted Amen, Glory to God, Hear it, and Preach it; at the appropriate times during the sermon.
While the preacher, better said the excoriator took away every hiding place from sin in yours and my life.

Romans 7:21-8:2

The old time Christians called it the Carnal Nature.
What, is in a wider view, I call the Reptilian Nature?

What the Law {all of the written Hebrew Law) could not control the reptilian nature in man, which is intermingled with your hueman nature.

Only then, by you dying to each of the traits of the reptilian nature, will you become wise.

Inwardly they died to the devices of the World, the inward nature of the Beast.

And with the power of the Cross of Jesus, by way of the Holy Spirit, cleansed you of your inner reptilian nature.

There he placed the Christ nature in you, which will, with proper nourishment, begin to grow. Until Christ is fully on the Throne of your Heart.
These are God’s People in my puny intellect.
Matthew 5:5
Amplified Bible
5 “Blessed [inwardly peaceful, spiritually secure, worthy of respect] are the [a]gentle[the kind-hearted, the sweet-spirited, the self-controlled], for they will inherit the earth.
I have always seen; but God’s people who work so hard.
They work harder than a rich man.

Yet, they despise the gewgaws, the gems and jewels of this World.

The Way of the World; Is coming in sharp relief, — it is the reptilian way.

Satan’s way is to kill, to maim, and to destroy.
Satan’s way is to use every false tool of MAN has to harass, harness, trap, mercilessly torture, tangle with a tantrum, by sigil, by letters with signatories, by hell and by hex.

Kinda like the tools of Satan’s Lawfare of the Persecutor in Chief Alvin Bragg.

Satan speaks through brag’s snoose.
“Stop them, Baphomet Bragg, by any account, from them finding God’s Truth.”
“I’ll go mess them up!” Says you.
Lord Rothschild and George Soros don’t live any different. Kill Maim and Destroy

That’s not our way.
There is much more done through the power of prayer, by moving, by motivating the working of the Spirit.
How come most of God’s people are s
poor as church mice?

That’s how they grow wise to the World of the Cabal.

If getting rich makes you spiritually sluggish, slow of speech, slow to hear, and too stupid to pay attention to God’s voice. Eh?

Ask the Lord to give you time to invite the Holy Spirit in.
To start the business of figuring out exactly who you really are with the REPTILIAN nature on board.

• You’re going to find out that; that the Reptile NATURE is very nasty and holds on with tenacity.

Only Doctor Jesus, is the only One who has the power to deal with that very old Snake.
Come on down here to mourners bench.
(It was a public declaration, I am seeking a deeper experience with Jesus.)

Nazarenes called it ‘Sanctification’ the old fashioned Baptists called it the ‘Second Baptism’ the Wesleyans called it ‘Death to Self’.
Death to the Selfish reptilian nature is probably the best description.

Whether it is dedication to service to others, or a deeper experience in the baptism of the Spirit or in denial of self to serve others, it is all the same experience.
Oh Hallelujah we have had a time of it tonight.
Let’s sing a chorus

O to be like Thee! Blessed Redeemer;
This is my constant longing and prayer;
Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures,
Jesus, Thy perfect likeness to wear

O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee!
Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art;
Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;
Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.

The Christian Life
Living A Spirit Filled Life
Dedicated To Serving Others
Days Of Heaviness And Darkness
Watching Yourself Being Used Of God

It’s A Way Of Life

O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee!

Sam Cooke
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone.

What’s Different About The Christian Faith?
We Serve A Risen Saviour
All the rest of them follow after a dead prophet.
Our Saviour is alive, even until this very day.
His Name Is Above All Names,
His Name Is Jesus
Only the Redeemed
Can Know The Joy
Of Jesus’ Name
As Worthless Slave
As You And I, Were
Jesus Heard Your Fait Call
The Spirit of the SON OF MAN is in the World today; is it not obvious?

He Lives w/lyrics

Fully Fallible

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