Modi Interacts With Lai Ching-Te, Expects Closer Economic and Technical Cooperation

7 months ago

06/07/2024 WION: Modi interacts with Lai Ching-te and says he looks forward to closer ties as they work towards mutually beneficial economic and technological partnership. The Chinese Communist Party threw a fit about this message. Although the CCP opposes any form of diplomatic contact with the Dalai Lama, the Indian government continues to ignore it. This shows that India-China relations will not improve in the short term.
#Modi #LaiChingte #DalaiLama
06/07/2024 世界一体新闻台:莫迪与赖清德互动,并表示期待在推动互惠互利的经济和技术合作的过程中,双方能建立更加紧密的关系。该讯息让中共大发雷霆。虽然中共反对与达赖喇嘛进行任何形式的外交接触,但印度政府仍然对此置若罔闻。由此可见,印中关系短期内不会好转。
#莫迪 #赖清德 #达赖喇嘛

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