Misery is the Chosen Energy of the fallen ones! (Video 31)

8 months ago

Video 31 shows how the lack of Free Energy in the world sustains the flow of misery in the world, which sustains the fallen ones. We also discuss how things would, or will, be different if and when we have free energy, as well as some possible solutions to our current situation!
From the video: "[...] We live in a quantum field and whoever holds the most cohesive thought and catalyzes that thought with strong emotion or desire, whoever backs that thought and that desire with an unbending will creates the reality that confines and boxes us in the consensus that forms around this powerful idea [...]"

NASA Contractor Report, NASA/CR-2003-212169 ("Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications," Volume I): https://cs.odu.edu/~mln/ltrs-pdfs/NASA-2003-cr212169.pdf NASA Contractor Report
NASA/CR-2005-213749 ("Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications," Volume II): https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20050170447/downloads/20050170447.pdf
Brandson R. Thornson's Propellantless Propulsion Device (Patent U.S. 4,631,971) Video Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIt661hfr9c
Video 6 in this Series (“Mechanical Propellantless Propulsion!): https://youtu.be/UCgsqfPJtAw

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