Taste Test #1: Sour Patch Kids Cereal

8 months ago

Originally uploaded Aug 20, 2019 to YouTube.

Hey guys. Sorry no upload last Monday or yesterday. Had some real life stuff as well as starting a new(second) job. I wanna try to still do one a week uploads, every other week if absolutely necessary, however if I don't have to time to film a few videos at once and set a scheduled release they might not come out Monday mornings.

Trying something new, taste tests. I plan on doing more of these in the future as well. One I'm looking forward to do is Mexican candy/treats.

Opening/Closing music: American Frontiers by Aaron Kenny (via Youtube Audio Library)

YouTube: youtube.com/c/PewPewPark
GunStreamer: https://gunstreamer.com/@PewPewPark
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pewpewpark/
Website: http://www.geocities.ws/pewpewpark/index.html

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