Justin Trudeau is a TRAITOR to Canada, Lindsey Graham admits Ukraine is about MONEY, Illegal Aliens

8 months ago

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friendsfannpage on TikTok posted a video of a couple with matching energy 🤗

Justin Trudeau tried to gaslight the public by saying he's worried about political parties choosing to instrumentalize anger, fear, division, anxiety to get their way which is the exact same things that he has done 😠

bestdad_ceo on TikTok posted a video of his dog's reaction to seeing Donald Trump and then Joe Biden who he clearly hates 🤔

Lindsey Graham should be locked up for trying to start wars around the World because he wants to steal money and resources, he just admitted he wants Ukraine's resources and money, the same thing that happens everywhere else, it's NEVER about the good of Humanity, enough is enough 🤡

Figen on X shared a video captioned "Balance challenge" where people stand on a suspended platform and swing, people go flying off, it really does take balance to complete the challenge 😂

Liz Churchill on X posted a video captioned "EU’s Ursula Von Der Leyen aka LIAR strikes again with the FRAUDULENT Climate Change Scam. “There’s a way to cut emissions…put a price on carbon"

The World NEEDS to shut down "their" money making scheme, that's all it is and ever will be 😡

Wall Street Silver on X posted a video about 3 hotels in Bronx, New York that are full housing ILLEGAL ALIENS for free at the expense of taxpayers while LEGAL CITIZENS NEVER get that kind of luxury and it's OUR MONEY 🥺

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