Piglet And Big Dog Make For Unlikely Duo

6 years ago

Dogs are known to be quite friendly and accepting of most creatures that come into their homes provided their human was the one to introduce the animal. Of course, not all dogs are like this. I, as an example, have a Chow-mix that cannot be around other animals other than our little dog. He attacks and tries to hunt all other animals. So, we do not bring them around him and try to avoid other animals on our walks. It is just an unfortunate situation but you manage.

The pig and dog in this video are completely different though. They are clearly best friends and enjoy hanging out with each other, maybe a little too much. The dog is just trying to walk around the yard and maybe get a drink of water. His pig buddy walks with him, and by with him we mean directly underneath him and through his legs. This dog is quite patient and we are amazed at how he just accepts that his pig friend is going to be walking directly underneath him. It is an admittedly absolutely adorable pairing.

It is funny how the pig follows this dog where ever he goes and stops when the dog stops. I don’t know what this pig is attempting to do here. Maybe he really likes the shade of being underneath the dog. It is funny though how when the dog stops the pig just stands there and waits. He doesn’t sniff or snuffle. He just kinds of stands there waiting for the dog to take his next steps. We cannot ascribe any sort of meaning to this pig’s actions. Have you ever seen a pig act like this? Let us know.

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