Moving on

9 months ago

The way people explain moving on
Seems soo easy to do
But moving on for me is like an obstacle
With a war in action.
In life we live through mistakes, love and growth and strength.Remember that
The strong ones get through the process
But people that never have the experience to shoot a gun dies in war.
Doesn’t mean they failed in life doesn’t mean they where weak
Means they skipped the important part of message remember that
The message is u can’t do something without the important ingredients
Cant be a winner without failing
Cant be great without taking loses
That’s apart of growth
Moving on from situations in life is apart of growth
It gives u a boast and a intake on what u learnt
with a situation and makes u stronger as a person
Relationships and love gives people the experience of connection and bondage
When someone let u down and breaks your heart some tend to let that effect them throughout the rest of there love life
Having Heavy chains attract dragged by the past instead of loooking at things as a process and lessons
Always remember
Take the good out of the bad and leave the bad in the past live the present moment attaching yourself in the past
Brings u issues and problems
When things are simple
Humans tend to make things difficult
Change the your view and your mindset of situations helps u move on
And Instead of absorbing
Observe the situation and take a second to think reacting to fast gives u a racing heart and causes stress
Take a second to think and breathe
Moving on makes you powerful
Makes u wise makes you strong
You are special

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