Pro Israel Former Board of Deputies President joins Starmer’s Labour.

7 months ago

Right, so the Board of Deputies of British Jews, supposedly representative of all British Jewry, who suddenly appeared on our screens whilst Jeremy Corbyn was leader of the Labour Party, as a convenient media vehicle to run him down, despite most of us I daresay never having heard of them up until then, is instead far more representative of Zionism and Zionist interests and indeed after having attacked Labour so viciously for so long, accusing them of being racists, the now outgoing president of the BoD, Marie van der Zyl, has not only voiced her support for Starmer’s version of the Labour Party, but actually now joined it. It’s no secret that Starmer is of course a Zionist himself, without qualification, but how nailed on is that belief with such as van der Zyl now joining and is it about time the BoD are only representative of all British Jews by their own say-so and given so many Jewish people have been purged from Labour under Starmer, how can she say he’s dealt with antisemitism with a straight face, or were they all just the wrong sort?
Right, so the outgoing 48th President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews has, upon ending her 6 year tenure as president last month, now joined the Labour Party under Keir Starmer. She’s very impressed with him you see, their mutual pro-Israel proclivities something they very much have in common. Here she is for example, beaming, to be photographed with Benjamin Netanyahu there.
It is no exaggeration to refer to Marie van der Zyl as a pro Israel extremist. She considers the Board of Deputies reason for existence to be ‘to promote a sympathetic understanding of Israel’, which is quite something when they also claim to represent all British Jewry, though that is very much a self appointed claim, a great many of this country’s 290,000 people who identify as Jewish, for example the 50,000 or so Charedi jews, Orthodox Jews, do not recognise the Board of Deputies and in no small part could that be because of the BoD’s pro Israel leanings, the Charedi’s do not recognise the state of Israel, they are vehemently anti-Zionist, so how can the BoD possibly represent them, and this has been shown in no small part by Charedi Jews protesting against the Board of Deputies, one notable example was in 2018 when they did so outside of the BoD’s annual dinner, just to remind them that the BoD do not represent them despite their false claims.
Jeremy Corbyn was of course painted as a vicious antisemite, when in reality he was just pro Palestinian well before the events of October 7th last year and spoke of the need for there to be a peace resolution, when sadly, many of the people of this country were still under the impression Palestinians were all terrorists and Israel was a victim, despite having been occupiers of Palestinian territory certainly since 1967, though many will argue differently on the dates, the very creation of Israel being possible only via a land grab, but the mud stuck and van der Zyl, had plenty to say about that, even going on Israeli TV to talk about it, as this excerpt from the US Algemeiner Journal explains:
‘UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has “declared war on the Jews,” a top British Jewish leader said in a television interview on Tuesday.
During an i24 News appearance, Marie van der Zyl — the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews — said of the ongoing antisemitism scandals dogging Corbyn and his party, “We’re feeling nervous, we’re feeling anxious…We’ve never been in this situation, it’s unprecedented.”
“We are fighting this, we are insisting on the international definition of antisemitism being implemented in full,” she added. “We want the show trial of Ian Austin stopped and we want the numerous disciplinary actions that have been pending for years to be completed in a transparent way.”
Corbyn’s “hatred of Israel and Zionism,” van der Zyl noted, “run so deep that he cannot separate that from antisemitism.”’
Now I’m sure we would all have remembered Corbyn declaring war on the Jews, I’m not altogether sure the jam making vegetable botherer and indeed pacifist, would declare war on anybody, yet such was the claim made by van der Zyl, amongst others, the full interview is still on YouTube if you care to watch it all, on the i24 channel itself, to get an idea of just how unhinged she was and how much more she said, but I think you get the gist. I will make note of one more thing from that interview.
She was asked what reaction Theresa May had taken in speaking out for Israel and against what she purported Corbyn stood for, and she couldn’t sing the praises loudly enough. She said:
‘The government has accepted the international definition of antisemitism and the Tories have always shown themselves to be friends to the Jewish community.’
I bet that’s news to the Jewish Communities, plural Marie, there’s more than one, you should know that really, at least one doesn’t recognise the BoD as representing them remember? But when the Tories track record for bigotry and racism, of all kinds, is as long as your arm, it’s a complete joke to speak of Corbyn as being a Jewish pariah because his ‘hatred of Zionism’ means he can’t separate that from antisemitism – newsflash luvvie, they aren’t the same and in fact many would consider it to be antisemitic to claim they are the same, which you appear to be muddying the waters of there, versus Theresa May, in who’s mouth butter wouldn’t melt it would seem, well, the worst thing she ever did was run through some wheat fields wasn’t it? Perhaps van der Zyl agreed, many of us would point to her tenure in continuing to ruin the country as far worse but y’know, perspective I suppose.
Yet clearly Starmer is even more appealing than Theresa May is from a pro Zionist perspective anyway, since. Van der Zyl has now joined the Labour Party – coming to you wearing a parachute as a future MP at some point down the line perhaps? Or was it these warm words that convinced you that Starmer is the person for you:
I’d love her to explain how that’s justified, wouldn’t you?
At any rate the Jewish Chronicle has of course gushed about her joining Starmer’s Labour, saying:
‘The former president of the Board of Deputies, Marie van der Zyl, has joined the Labour Party after stepping down from her role at the end of May after six years in office.
She said she had never previously joined a political party but was now proud to join Labour.
“I feel that Keir Starmer has stuck to his words and done everything possible to deal with antisemitism,” she said.’
That last line creased me up, I feel Starmer has stuck to his words, he’s not done that a day in his leadership and the only reason his pro Israel leanings haven’t shifted is because the Israel Lobby are his financial backers.
The BoD, perhaps that Theresa May viewpoint is not at all surprising, has largely also been seen as a Conservative body, as well as a Zionist one, however that might be shifting, due in no small part to the shift in the party under Starmer.
The new president of the Board of Deputies for example, Phil Rosenberg, is a former Labour Councillor in the borough of Camden, which lies in Keir Starmer’s constituency of Holborn & St Pancras.
Marie van der Zyl’s husband, Adrian Cohen, has become the senior vice president of the BoD now, and he also happens to be the chair of Labour Friends of Israel.
What Keir Starmer has overseen, has been a massive purge of Jewish people from the left of the party, who don’t subscribe to the drivel spouted by the BoD, by LFI, or any other pro Israel entities, as Labour has now become and continues to become ever more so.
Van der Zyl stands as a sign that Labour has changed as Starmer keeps saying, but changed for the worse not the better, that the party has moved on from the Corbyn era where real change for us was on offer, but duped as the country was into believing that man was a racist, the change her support brings about is against anything changing politically, but as long as government aligns itself with Israel, that is all that matters it seems.
More Jewish people have been thrown of Labour under Starmer than any other Labour leader and in fact nothing quite underlines the fact that Starmer has gone down this road so far, in appeasement only of Jewish people who are also Zionists, than a Jewish man choosing to stand against Keir Starmer in this election, in his seat, to set Labour on a different course if they have to select a new leader in order to form a government. Toppling Starmer, is a huge ask, but Andrew Feinstein, a former South African ANC MP from the Nelson Mandela era, now living in Starmer’s patch, has the will and the political wherewithal to do it. You can find out a bit more about him in this video recommendation here, perhaps consider getting involved in his campaign if you’re able to and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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