HIlarious Baby Girl Makes Fart Noises With Her Mouth

6 years ago

We all know that as soon as they learn how to do it, babies enjoy making all kinds of different noises. I guess that makes them feel like they are talking, just like mom and dad! There’s nothing more adorable than a baby trying to join in a conversation. And the baby girl from this video has found a hilarious way to draw all the attention to herself by making fart noises! This video will make you laugh out loud! At the beginning of the clip, you can hear the baby girl’s dad making fart noises with his mouth. Pffft! And the little girl is so amused by those mouth fart noises that she can’t help but try and make them herself! Pffft! Success! She is absolutely hilarious! You have to check out the way she giggles each time she either hears dad making a fart noise or does it herself! Totally priceless!

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