Where is the Spirit of Yahuah?

8 months ago

Join for a discussion of Ezekiel chapters
9-11. We have been told a narrative of avoiding being marked yet in Ezekiel people are marked who mourn over abominations to be the ones not destroyed. Israel had gone astray worshiping other things in Yah's Temple and finally His presence left. Yah shows Ezekiel the complete destruction that finally occurs. The Babylonians took many into captivity, so the question is raised is this destruction Ezekiel is shown to be in the future? Reading Ezekiel in chronical order is helpful. Clearly seeing why destruction came for idolatry should be incentive for us today to only have One God, the Creator Himself. Even to Ezekiel Yah displays His mercy in giving His people a future, to be gathered, and to have His presence again!

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