Responding to Divine Discipline | 1 Samuel 5:6-7

9 months ago

Is God punishing you or preparing you?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 5. I've titled this chapter "Clearing The Path To Glory."

So far, in Chapter 5, we've discovered that the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and took it back to Ashdod, setting it up in the temple of Dagon. The following day, the people awoke to find that Dagon had fallen prostrate before the Ark. Despite their shock, they propped him back up. The next morning, they discovered Dagon had fallen again with his head and hands cut off, which terrified them. Then we read verses 6-7:

The hand of the Lord was heavy against the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory. And when the men of Ashdod saw how things were, they said, “The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for his hand is hard against us and against Dagon our god.” — 1 Samuel 5:6-7

There are a couple of choices as to what disease this was, and we are not sure. Some think it was the Bubonic Plague transmitted by fleas and rats that spread to humans. Or it could have also been a massive break of hemorrhoids that afflicted the people. Either way, this outbreak was a major pain in the butt, so much so that they associated the affliction with the recent capture of the Ark.

What is fascinating about this situation is that people who believed that they just defeated God now believe God was defeating them. They have seen enough occurrences to believe God is punishing them.

At some point, we are all disciplined by God. Most of the time, discipline by God comes in the form of natural consequences stemming from disobedience to him or his authority in this life. These consequences inflict pain and compel us to pay attention, thus driving us to pay attention to God.

For instance, if you are intoxicated and drive a vehicle and then get pulled over, there are numerous consequences. You will be arrested, ticketed, lose driving privileges, incur legal fees, face probation, and insurance increases. In this example, it is relatively easy to see the connection between our human defiance and God's divine punishment. It is even easier to see you have a biblical worldview that assumes God is the divine judge who governs all things and operates through human government to administer judgment for human defiance.

But in the case of the Philistines, they did not have a biblical worldview. They held polytheistic views, but they were right in this situation to establish a divine connection. The "heavy hand of God's judgment" was afflicting them. Through natural circumstances, he was trying to get their attention, and they made the connection. What they neglected to do was worship him. Instead, they would dispose of him by sending the Ark of God to another town.

Here is what you need to see today.

When you experience affliction and discipline in life, you should pause and assess the divine signs. Afflictions by God are meant to get our attention. Take time to pause, reflect, and assess. Go to God in prayer and ask God to show you why this is happening in your life. Discern if God is afflicting you for disobedience or to drive you toward deeper obedience. Either way, God will likely show you something that he wants you to see.

Remember, there are moments when we experience affliction without seeing the act of disobedience. For example, consider the stories of Job or even Jesus. Afflictions in both cases did not stem from disobedience but were designed to stretch their obedience. Both types of discipline and affliction have occurred in this story. Some people in Israel were not disobedient to God and yet were being disciplined, like Samuel and his family. On the other hand, God was directly disciplining others, like Eli and his family who had been blatantly disobedient.

Either way, the right response is always to bow and worship the Lord. It is to submit to him and his discipline and be changed by his affliction. It is not to do what the Philistines do here and merely suppose it is God and then dispose of him.

#DivineDiscipline, #GodsCorrection, #FaithJourney

Ask This:
When have you experienced a situation that felt like divine discipline? How did it impact your relationship with God and your understanding of His guidance in your life?
How can you better recognize and respond to God's discipline in your daily life? How can this awareness transform your spiritual growth and obedience?
Do This:
Pause, reflect, and accept the afflictions and discipline of God.

Pray This:
Lord, help me recognize Your discipline in my life and respond with humility and obedience. Guide me to deeper understanding and faith, trusting that Your correction is for my growth and good. Amen.

Play This:
The Struggle.

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