REDEMPTION | Trailer | Sci-Fi/Mystery/Crime

22 days ago

The mind-bending story of Ronan Dillinger, a disgraced LAPD detective accused of murdering his wife. Although Ronan is convinced that he is innocent and hell-bent on proving so, everyone believes that he is guilty–Everyone. Inspired by Orson Welles’ The Trial, Blade Runner, and other science fiction and detective classics, Redemption illustrates a cautionary reality where conformity reigns over the truth.

Completed in 2020 (uploaded to Vimeo four years later).

Gil McKinney: Ronan
Jerry Marr: Dr. Valentine
Jonas Ball: Detective Spade + The Engineer
Steven Wollenberg: Chief
Richie Stephens: Detective Gittes
Kenny Gardner: Winston
Tatum Langton: Bella
Laith Wallschleger: The Killer
Aubree Storm: Annie

Writer and Director: Alex Smoot

Producers: Stephen George and Alex Smoot

Assistant Director: Chloe Huckins

Cinematographer: Jason Krangel (shot with Red Helium 8K with Cooke Anamorphic SF lens)

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