Danica Patrick & Elizabeth April – Reptilians, Anunaki, Planetary Ascension, Disclosure & More

12 days ago

Danica Patrick interviews Elizabeth April and you will have to have an open mind if you have never listened to Elizabeth April before as they dive into the extraordinary world of the Galactic Federation as they talk about aliens, reptilians, mysterious forces, sentient AI and how expanding our consciousness is actually the main key to a future that will be so bright for mankind.

Elizabeth April is a clairvoyant who sees all different forms of energy. She can see wave particles and can perceive the frequencies of the Galactic Federation who is helping mankind with this shift/awakening as the planet Gaia is raising her vibrations.


2024 to 2028 will be a battle of old energy vs new energy, as the old energy will keep sucking us back and by 2028 it should be a little better.

Free Energy technology should be coming out and the powers that were cannot keep up with killing everyone off as we now have hundreds of different solutions are coming out all at once.

We have a small group of powerful individuals who are fighting to contain the awakening, contain the information, who want to create more fear because they just want control, they don’t care about money because they are ones behind money and created it to control us and our population is at a certain point where we are uncontrollable.

What is really uncontrollable is the energy on this planet that is changing which is really uncontrollable and it is a losing battle for them but they will not stop trying with their old energy and old ways. They cannot adapt to the new frequencies of the Earth. We can and we will.

The majority of this group is Reptilian.

Not all reptilians are bad and there are some good ones.

The galactic federation told the Anunnaki and the Reptilians that this planet is for humans and the Anunnaki agreed and left and the Reptilians did not agree and stayed.

It is prophesied that the hybrid humans are to be on this planet right now.

The Reptilians need a lower frequency and eventually they won’t even be able to live here because they just cannot adapt to the frequency.

A lot of them are transmuting because the higher vibration is forcing them out. The afterlife for every individual incarnated in the Universe is the same and we all go back to source.

They can’t hold their shapeshifting form anymore and Elizabeth April says that we may be able to see some of them that refuse to leave the planet and fight it as the vibration of the Earth increases.

The most critical information that could come out would be that these Reptilians are the real deal and they are the ones behind all the fear and propaganda on this planet. If people see this with their own eyes they have no choice but to wake up – says Elizabeth April.

The reptilians do not want to be noticed as the whole gig would be up.

Cosmic Disclosure is happening right now.

We are an experiment, we are a prophecy planet. We are a hybrid civilization created to end the war of all wars in the Universe. We have no clue who we are. Part of the experiment came down to Atlantis and Lemuria who had a vicious humanity destroying war with each other, thousands of years ago.

A lot of technology was given to humanity on this planet and we were young on this planet and we couldn’t utilize this technology in a positive way, we chose war.

Now, we are coming back into this age of enlightenment and there Atlanteans who are reincarnating back to this planet in helping with this transition and so we get it right this time.

We are all part of a whole. We are all human who have basic rights and needs and we need to create UNITY and not being against one another.

We need to clean up the planet in the near future as the old energy beings have done their best to destroy with pollution and poisons.

Humanity has made a lot of horrible decisions – plastic being one, as it degrades so slowly.

Are we living in a simulation? Elizabeth April believes we are. She says when we die it is like this life was just a dream but seemed so real, but so do some of our dreams.

Elizabeth says it is kind of like a video game and there are 3 levels no matter what kind of incarnation you are in.

3 Levels of the Simulation:

Level 1 – you are the character.

Level 2 – you are the player who plays this character.

Level 3 – being the Programming – we are aware of the character, aware that we the player, and are aware that we can be the creators of the entire game.

Humans did not naturally evolve, we had help.

We are to bring unity to disharmony and it cannot be accomplished in a fear based reality.

We can become creators but first we need to rid the fear and distractions.

We can focus on what we create. Anytime you focus and think about something you are pulling it into your reality. You are collecting wave forms.

Our experiences are wave forms colliding with us, sometimes we can ride those waves and be in tune on the same frequency and sometimes we don’t understand them and can cause confusion and chaos.

To clear negative energy – water – taking baths, sunbathing, moonlighting, barefoot walking, crystals.

Elizabeth April talks about reading Elon Musk’s Autobiography. One very interesting point she says is that Elon is always concerned about AI and he wanted to be the one to Usher in AI.

It is said that Elon was born to “usher in the Antichrist.”

So is the Antichrist actually Artificial Intelligence?

Elizabeth said she doesn’t know if he is a good guy or bad guy.

From everything that I know about him, he is not a good guy.

Russell – Jay: Gould said his money comes from the House of Jordan and is not really his own and the only profitable company is his Nuclear Tunneling Company.

Neuralink is like Sentient AI says Elizabeth as some of the ET alien ships run off of sentient AI, it reacts and interacts with thought. You think turn right, it turns right and so forth.

Danica and Elizabeth talk about the dangerous of radiations and EMF’s from 5G towers. We need protection from these as they are very harmful.

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Evolution of the Soul – Does the Soul Evolve?

There are 12 Dimensions which are really a set of individual frequency levels. In each dimension you can have a different experience and each experience brings you more knowledge, information and tools.

Elizabeth April explains it like each dimension is a school. You learn everything from that particular dimension and then you graduate and move on to the next and do the same and so forth.

After graduating the 12th Dimension you have a choice. You can either go back to source and exist or you get to break off from this Universe and you get to start your own universe where you are the Source.

Does this election matter? NO, everyone is just a puppet. In the grand scheme the prophecy will come regardless. But since it matters to the people it does matter.

It doesn’t matter who wins but Trump would be slightly an easier transition but we will have years of waking up to do still.

Which will help us wake up faster? I don’t know.

The main point is that we will wake up as a collective and waking up means that the light will expose the dark corruption and the negatives that have really been here all along we just haven’t been able to see them.

That said, the old energy, the dark ones who still want to have the control over the people are not just going to give up – they will do try to make our lives miserable and keep us in a state of fear, so it will be two steps forward and one step back for a while longer.

But we are moving into the light, we are progressing and the future will eventually be bright.

Source: Danica Patrick -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6AZX92oILg


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END. 6/19/2024 – 9:00 PM

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