Rant of the Week: The Problem with Lawyers

6 months ago

In his latest Rant of the Week, Dimitri Lascaris castigates 23 privileged Zionist lawyers who tried to destroy the careers of pro-Palestinian law students at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU).

Days ago, after a meticulous investigation prompted by accusations of anti-Semitism, a former Chief Justice of Nova Scotia exonerated TMU law students who had signed a letter of unequivocal solidarity with Palestinians. He found that they had not engaged in anti-Semitism and had not violated the university's Code of Conduct.

The former Chief Justice also chastised the 23 elite lawyers who had vilified those students.

None of that seems to have humbled those privileged lawyers one iota.

During his rant, Lascaris refers to two debates organized in January of this year by Radio 640 AM Toronto. In the first of those debates, Lascaris took on Howard Levitt, one of the Zionist lawyers who demanded that TMU's pro-Palestinian law students be severely punished. A recording of the Lascaris-Levitt debate can be found here: https://dimitrilascaris.org/2024/01/20/prominent-canadian-lawyer-says-israels-war-on-gaza-is-the-most-moral-in-human-history/

Lascaris also refers to the open letter signed by those 23 elite lawyers in late October of last year. In their open letter, the lawyers accused the TMU students of having engaged in anti-Semitic behaviour and of "endorsing rape, torture, murder and kidnapping of Israelis..." Their disgraceful letter can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7123765798514425857/

Finally, the investigative report of the former Chief Justice of Nova Scotia can be found here: https://www.torontomu.ca/content/dam/report-release/TMU%20External%20Review%20Report%20dated%20May%2031,%202024.pdf

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