Israel used FAKE AID TRUCKS in latest Gaza strike & US are complicit!

1 month ago

Right, so just when you think there is no new level of depravity that Israel could hit in Gaza anymore, they then go and manage it anyway and this time the US and Genocide Joe Biden are 100% complicit in their actions. What they have done this time goes against all common decency, anything resembling humanity and actually reveals that the US no more see the people of Gaza as human beings than Israel does. How else do you explain over 270 people being killed, having duped by fake aid trucks, for the sake of rescuing 4 Israeli hostages and then declaring the operation a success? People in desperate need, starving, so you draw them out by using the pretence of aid and when they come for it, they get slaughtered. We’ve seen Israel do this already with flour, but now the US are in on this too. They must be held accountable for what they have done here too, they belong in the dock with Israel now after this.
Right, so the attack by joint Israel and US forces on the Al-Nuseirat Refugee camp has got to be right up there with the most amoral, depraved attacks on Gaza to date, as well as being one of the bloodiest and that really, really is saying something now. The people inside Gaza are desperate for aid, they are being starved to death, as trucks get stuck on the crossings which Israel will not open, the US temporary pier, now repaired from the storm damage it suffered, causing it to break up, is now back in place, but instead of bringing aid, it has now been used to bring death and destruction.
Under the guise of aid trucks coming to help them, and trucks carrying furniture, giving the impression they were more displaced Gazans arriving in the camp. Israeli troops disguised themselves as aid workers and Palestinian refugees and entered the Al-Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, and targeted two buildings where hostages were believed to be being held, apartment blocks according to Al-Jazeera, but an eyewitness who spoke to the Irish Times claims a marketplace and the Al-Awda Mosque were the main targets, in order to rescue them. The ruse was so successful, because these trucks all came from the US pier supposedly built for aid transfer, that in this case instead ushered in a massacre. The US aided and abetted this operation, they are completely complicit in enabling the commission of war crimes that happened here and they now need to be held accountable for that just as much as Israel.
Where a ceasefire is supposedly being negotiated, which would have seen the release of all hostages as part of the deal, if Netanyahu would just agree to it, instead, this operation went ahead, the first specifically minded to rescue hostages, since Israel hasn’t given a damn about them up until now and to mind that is to try and win back support for the Netanyahu regime, which has been seen to be putting eliminating Hamas ahead of any desire to rescue hostages, so in that regard, this was as much a show to the Israeli public that the hostage do matter but when the truth of the matter is that in 8 months, they have rescued just 7 hostages, including the 4 they recovered here, and according to eyewitnesses on the ground, if they hadn’t basically entered the refugee camp all guns blazing and bombs flying, they might have rescued more, since it is alleged that more Israeli hostages have been killed in this rescue attempt as well. 7 rescued, currently Israel have killed it is estimated more than 40 of their own people in their Gaza attacks.
Worse, they are lauding these rescues as a success. But at what cost. As of this morning rescuing 4 Israeli hostages was worth the price of 274 Palestinians being killed, mostly women and children as we have come to know and expect every time an attack like this happens and almost 700 of them injured and they have the nerve to call that a success.
Now US Central Command, CENTCOM are denying any role of their pier being used to aid Israel in this attack, but then they would wouldn’t they?
The attack was launched in broad daylight, and IDF forces claim that whilst there they attacked military infrastructure in the camp, because of course there will be Hamas equipment and installations there, there always is, just like there always was in every school they bombed, or church, or mosque. Eyewitnesses however say that this isn’t true and it was just residential blocks targeted, maximising casualties.
Bearing this version of events out was an eyewitness who spoke to Al Jazeera was quoted in their coverage saying:
‘I caught sight of a special forces unit. It had furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belonged to displaced people. Suddenly the operative got out two ladders and came into our home fully armed. Chaos erupted with gunfire and explosions,” he said.
“My 18-month baby boy cried out in fear,” he added. “My wife was screaming.”’
A paramedic who witnessed the attack said it was like a scene from a horror movie with Israeli drones and aircraft firing on homes and anyone who moved in the street was killed.
274 dead for the sake of bringing home 4 people and a positive headline for Netanyahu when he needed one. Proportionality be damned, this is nothing of the kind and all so avoidable if the peace talks were being treated genuinely, which surely nobody now can believe is the case, not only because Israel launched this attack, but you’d imagine Hamas would be no more committed now either. In fact those talks which should be front and centre of the media response to events in Israel and Gaza right now have been wiped off the front pages, nobody is talking about them now, because all anyone is talking about is this horrific assault on ordinary people, women and children, that was so completely and utterly avoidable and unnecessary. If Israel wasn’t led by a power mad maniac, perhaps it could well have been avoided.
The dead and the wounded have of course been taken to the Al-Aqsa and Nasser hospitals, themselves already having sustained a lot of damage from bombardment by Israeli forces, somehow, they are still functional to an extent, but not nearly sufficiently to cope with the casualties pouring through the doors following this brutal assault.
The hospitals are now being described as looking like slaughterhouses with patients, including children lying everywhere in pools of blood and despite having had their ban extended from reporting in Israel, Al-Jazeera are of course still reporting from within Gaza and one of their reporters Hind Choudary, gave an account from Al-Aqsa:
‘The hospitals are overwhelmed. You can’t imagine – the people are on the floor. Medics, volunteers, everyone is trying to help them. There’s no place for them. They’re even trying to put more injuries in other departments in the hospital. The doctors are trying their best to rescue as much people as possible, but there are a lot of severe, critical injuries now and everyone is terrified. People are terrified.’
It was notable in her coverage that all the casualties shown were children, but there will still be some sick individuals no doubt who will say they are Hamas too.
You wouldn’t think this was an issue if you were paying attention to our media though.
The BBC notably have shamed themselves again with this image, putting the fact the four hostages that were freed, all allegedly having been taken at the Nova music festival, has been plastered in big headline text, whereas the byline, much smaller, nots the more than 200 Palestinians killed, though I suppose they do say they were killed at least, rather than having ‘died’ as if it was from some natural disaster or natural causes as so often has seemed to be the case.
Where reporting on what Genocide Joe has had to say, he of course has been delighted as the Irish Times quotes him as having said:
‘We won’t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached’
How many more Palestinians must die to get the hostages home the way you are going about assisting Israel in this manner then? How can a ceasefire be reached like this, you utter balloon? And you helped facilitate this by all accounts allowing your pier supposedly built for aid, to instead bring death. Hamas have left that pier alone because it supposed to be bringing aid, who predicts all bets are off now?
Biden equally predictably, didn’t mention the Palestinian fatalities at all, reinforcing my belief now, that Biden, Antony Blinken and the rest of the administration supporting US actions in support of the genocidal Netanyahu regime, value these people’s lives no more than Israel does.
Another aspect to this attack is that it happened coincidentally perhaps, though perhaps not, at the same time Netanyahu was expecting to have to deal with the resignation of war cabinet minister and his National Unity Party coalition partner Benny Gantz, who had given Netanyahu a 3 week ultimatum to show how he was going to bring an end to this war in Gaza, what vision there was for Gaza afterwards and how the hostages were going to brought back, and as a result of these 4 individuals getting rescued, Gantz didn’t end up going through with his resignation. Has he reconsidered or just postponed that resignation? We don’t know, but it would be typical of a liberal to carry on enabling a hard right mad man after an atrocity, because they got something they were asking for, the cost in lives to achieve it, not necessarily withstanding.
Israel have impersonated aid workers in order to commit this assault, this is itself a war crime, called perfidy and it isn’t the first time they’ve done this either, as this story about soldiers entering a hospital disguised as medical staff to commit assassinations of alleged Hamas operatives will tell you all about, banned under the Geneva Conventions as it is and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks

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