Gay Man Using My Global Awareness 101 Name On TikTok

10 days ago

This gay guy created a Global Awareness 101 TikTok account after my Global Awareness 101 TikTok account with over 15,000 followers and growing was permanently banned.

Before he posted any videos he had over 150 followers that were people thinking it was my backup account. There was a picture of a Black man as profile pucture before when I last checked.

Someone has been reporting every video I post on my TikTok account. They did that to my my original Global Awareness 101 TikTok account. When I realized the jerks reported my videos all the way to the first one, it was too late to appeal the violation they reported.

I have been using Global Awareness 101 for 17 years since 2007 on my website and all social media platforms.

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